Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm an overstocker.
RSR 525XL (5ft long tank - calm down tang police...) with the following inhabitants:
1 mature Melanurus Wrasse - 3.5" - been with me for 3+ years
1 terminal phase male Katherine's Fairy Wrasse - 3"
1 terminal phase male Blue Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) - 3"
1 Leopard Wrasse - 2"
1 Potter's Leopard Wrasse - 2" - newest addition, couldn't resist it at the LFS. It was eating frozen and doing well there for over a week, now doing well in my DT
1 Hippo Tang - nearly 5" - This is the current fish I've owned the longest, got it as a nickle sized baby, it probably needs to be re-homed soon. It's normally pretty calm except around feeding time, then it can dominate the other inhabitants a bit too much.
1 White Tail Bristle-tooth Tang - 4+" - My favorite, love the coloration and personality
1 Yellow Scopas Tang - 3.5"
1 One-spot Foxface - 4+" - docile except at feeding time
3 Carberryi Anthias - 2" or less
2 Lightning Maroon Clowns (mated pair, one at 2+", the other at nearly 1")
1 blue-green Chromis - lone survivor of a group of 5
1 Long-nose Hawkfish - 2" - hangs out where no one bothers it
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly - 3"
1 Female Bellus Angel - 3"
I keep a mixed reef with some reasonably difficult SPS, do minimal water changes running the Triton method with a large and ever-growing clump of Chaeto, a Deltec 1000ix skimmer and 24-7 UV with a Pentair 25W unit. I'll get a new FTS shot tonight and update this post. Other than at feeding time, the tank is relatively peaceful.
RSR 525XL (5ft long tank - calm down tang police...) with the following inhabitants:
1 mature Melanurus Wrasse - 3.5" - been with me for 3+ years
1 terminal phase male Katherine's Fairy Wrasse - 3"
1 terminal phase male Blue Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) - 3"
1 Leopard Wrasse - 2"
1 Potter's Leopard Wrasse - 2" - newest addition, couldn't resist it at the LFS. It was eating frozen and doing well there for over a week, now doing well in my DT
1 Hippo Tang - nearly 5" - This is the current fish I've owned the longest, got it as a nickle sized baby, it probably needs to be re-homed soon. It's normally pretty calm except around feeding time, then it can dominate the other inhabitants a bit too much.
1 White Tail Bristle-tooth Tang - 4+" - My favorite, love the coloration and personality
1 Yellow Scopas Tang - 3.5"
1 One-spot Foxface - 4+" - docile except at feeding time
3 Carberryi Anthias - 2" or less
2 Lightning Maroon Clowns (mated pair, one at 2+", the other at nearly 1")
1 blue-green Chromis - lone survivor of a group of 5
1 Long-nose Hawkfish - 2" - hangs out where no one bothers it
1 Yellow Pyramid Butterfly - 3"
1 Female Bellus Angel - 3"
I keep a mixed reef with some reasonably difficult SPS, do minimal water changes running the Triton method with a large and ever-growing clump of Chaeto, a Deltec 1000ix skimmer and 24-7 UV with a Pentair 25W unit. I'll get a new FTS shot tonight and update this post. Other than at feeding time, the tank is relatively peaceful.