Fish trap hack


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Feb 9, 2023
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Shady Shores, TX
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A while back I noted some flatworms in my tank. I’m a bit reluctant to use chemical treatments, so I wanted a more natural solution. An alternative often recommended is wrasses from the halichoeres genus. My problem, they are generally recommended for tank larger than 50 gallons and my 32 is a bit small. Nevertheless, I found a juvenile Adorned Wrasse and I committed to rehoming it once it grew above 4” easy, huh.


Well, he grew up and it was time for him to go on to bigger and better tanks.
I purchased a Nyos Fish trap and stuck it in the tank and carefully baited with various foods, but our hero wasn’t having any of it. The trap sat in the tank for over a week and the wrasse exhibited no interest whatsoever.

So I decided to try another bait.

I pulled the trap and placed a 2” diameter craft mirror from hobby lobby and siliconed it to the back of the trap.



Once I placed the trap in the tank, the wrasse was in there in less than 5 minutes. Not sure if others have used this method, but it sure worked for me.