Good evening helpful friends. I have a decently stocked FOWLR 300gal DT. My newest occupant is a female blue throated trigger. She has started showing signs of flukes (white on her fins and shaking/diving into the rock). I have spent all afternoon trying to catch her so that I could do a 5 min RODI dip. I cannot get her into the net (30" deep in hindsight not the best idea)
I believe my LFS has some Presi. If I can get my hands on some tomorrow, can I dose the whole aquarium?
-6-line wrasse
-Quoyi Parrotfish
-Naso Tang
-Queen Angel
-Lyretail anethias
-Midas Blenny
-Lawnmower Blenny
-Aus Harlequin Tusk
-Saddleback Butterfly
-Black Clownfish
-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
-Turbo Snails
-Two small Urchins
Thank you all. I've learned so much from this forum
I believe my LFS has some Presi. If I can get my hands on some tomorrow, can I dose the whole aquarium?
-6-line wrasse
-Quoyi Parrotfish
-Naso Tang
-Queen Angel
-Lyretail anethias
-Midas Blenny
-Lawnmower Blenny
-Aus Harlequin Tusk
-Saddleback Butterfly
-Black Clownfish
-Blue Legged Hermit Crabs
-Turbo Snails
-Two small Urchins
Thank you all. I've learned so much from this forum