Freshwater guy here - Took over an established Reef tank. First week


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So I finally moved into a house and now that I have more space I wanted to try my hand at a saltwater reef tank. I have kept FW-planted tanks for on and off 8 years with varying success. I currently have a nano planted tank. I also kept a nano reef in my freshman year college dorm (needless to say that didn't last very long or go very well).

I picked up an established 20gal reef AIO tank from a reefer in a part of the State that was experiencing power outages and needed one of his 3 tanks gone. I have 2 clowns, a CUC which I added, waving hand, Sinulara - finger, gonioporia, and a green mushroom. I am using the established water, filter media, and equipment but I did add live sand since the previous setup had a bare bottom and I thought it would be better for a beginner. Below is how my first week is going any advice and tips would be greatly appreciated. Or if you are just curious and want to follow my journey that's totally cool too!

salinity -1.025
temp -80
Ph (API Test) -7.9
Ammonia (API Test) -0.25
Nitrite (API Test) -0ppm
Nitrate (API Test) -5ppm

Salinity -1.030
*Changed temp to 78
*20% water change

Day 3:
Salinity -1.029 (Yes I was topping off with RO/DI water and not salt water - no idea why I was struggling to get my salinity down and stable)
Temp 78
Phosphate (Hannah Checker) 0.24
*added marine pure biofilter media - The previous owner only ran sponges and I want to build more beneficial bacteria to help combat any noobie mistakes over time.

*Removed debris from the AIO sump that I missed and topped off with RO water
*added CUC of 4 hermits. I believe blue and red legs.
*added phosguard pellets to AIO sump to help combat high phosphate levels
*noticed white string hanging off both clown fish so I am now feeding half a frozen cube mixed with metroplex and focus. Nothing was added to the tank so I am assuming the fish were stressed from the big move and their immune system was low? As of today, both clowns seem happy and healthy although sometimes I will see a white string from their bottom. Will need to continue medication for another 4 days or so.
Salinity - 1.025
Phosphate - 0.38. I was feeding pellets so I think switching to frozen food will help with this

Day 5:
In the next few days, I wanted to let the tank chill and try not to be overreactive.
Salinity -1.025
*topped off with RO

*topped off with RO
Salinity -1.025

Day 7:
* 30% water change
Salinity -1.025
Phosphate - 0.24
Ph -8.0
Ammonia -0.25
Nitrite -0ppm

My next steps are to get my phosphate and ammonia levels down. I have read that the API ammonia kits can be a little unreliable so a Hanna checker may be in my near future. I soon would also like to pick up an Alk & Cal test kit and add some GSP to the rear and some Zoas up front. All-in-all both my corals and clowns seem happy and my water parameters seem to be moving in the right direction so I would consider it a successful first week. Minus some worms which I'm still not sure how got into the tank.

IMG_3263.jpg IMG_3264.jpg IMG_3265.jpg IMG_3274.jpg
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Dread Pirate Dave

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Welcome to R2R! :)

Things are looking good so far. Maybe some seachem matrix or other such media in the AIO sump for more bacteria surface area?


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Welcome to R2R!

Do you have a LFS (local fish store)? You could try taking a water sample by there for them to run test assuming they are not using the API kits. You likely would not need to invest in a Hanna ammonia checker. Most people only really check that when the tank is first cycling.


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Welcome to R2R! :)

Things are looking good so far. Maybe some seachem matrix or other such media in the AIO sump for more bacteria surface area?
Thanks! Once I'm done cycling this phosguard I was thinking that or ChemiPure Blue! Or both actually - why not?


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Welcome to R2R!

Do you have a LFS (local fish store)? You could try taking a water sample by there for them to run test assuming they are not using the API kits. You likely would not need to invest in a Hanna ammonia checker. Most people only really check that when the tank is first cycling.
Sure do! Quite a few in my area actually but my favorite has to be Matts Corals. Not exactly impressive in quantity of products but you can tell they are meticulous about their livestock