Hi - newbie here.
Can anyone pls help confirm if these are baby nassarius snails as I suddenly have a lot of them and I've read it's not likely to reproduce in reef tank (1 looks black/white, the other brownish). I do have 3 large nassarius snails in my 1.5 year tank.
Also, please help ID small circles on my rocks. I have a few of these and I'm thinking it may be vermetid snails or feather duster, and if so do I remove? When I blow water against it it retracts to nothing (into the rocks) - the last pic shows the circle right under the frag plug, the other right in the middle.
Can anyone pls help confirm if these are baby nassarius snails as I suddenly have a lot of them and I've read it's not likely to reproduce in reef tank (1 looks black/white, the other brownish). I do have 3 large nassarius snails in my 1.5 year tank.
Also, please help ID small circles on my rocks. I have a few of these and I'm thinking it may be vermetid snails or feather duster, and if so do I remove? When I blow water against it it retracts to nothing (into the rocks) - the last pic shows the circle right under the frag plug, the other right in the middle.