I've been in the hobby for quite some time, but having an issue Ive never encountered before, so asking for input. Ive recently set up a AIO Tideline 47, it was cycled about two months before adding coral, mostly Euphyllia, its been running for 3 months now. Water parameters are as follows Ammonia and nitrite 0, KH 8.2. PH 8, temp 77F, nitrate is detectable but very low, magnesium sitting at 1380, but at one point was fairly low before dosing, salinity 1.24. I run a bag of carbon, bio filtration, puragen, and recently added a Icecap AIO skimmer, 10-15 gallon water change every 2 weeks is my usual routine. Medium water flow and I have a Kessel Apx9 thats running 50-80% intensity, mostly blue/violet spectrum. Although nothing has died, the coral just don't look happy, in particular the 2 hammers. Is there something I'm missing here? Any input will be helpful.