So I've already upgraded to 3D printed filter boxes running 3 stages on both sides as well as the largest Sicce pump that would fit in the stock location. Been that way for over 3 years. I'm still stuck with high nitrates and phosphates even though I don't over feed. The only thing that makes the tank happy are water changes.
There are 8 fish in the tank.
2 clowns
blue tang
diamond watchman goby
tailspot blenny
six-line wrasse
some other tiny guy
For canisters I'm looking at Oase and Fluval FX. I only have 15x15x24" tall in my cabinet so sumps are out. Any Oase should fit but for Fluval I may be stuck with an FX2 width wise.
If the AIO running as a prefilter still fails and I go FX I would then add an inline prefilter to cut down on canister cleaning.
There are 8 fish in the tank.
2 clowns
blue tang
diamond watchman goby
tailspot blenny
six-line wrasse
some other tiny guy
For canisters I'm looking at Oase and Fluval FX. I only have 15x15x24" tall in my cabinet so sumps are out. Any Oase should fit but for Fluval I may be stuck with an FX2 width wise.
If the AIO running as a prefilter still fails and I go FX I would then add an inline prefilter to cut down on canister cleaning.