Tank is only 6 days old and this is only my second time cycling a saltwater so I’m still a newbie in my eyes..I used Dr Tim’s Ammonia coupled with MicroBacter Starter XLM as well as a live rock from my smaller tank and biomedia in my canister. It promises to cycle a tank within a week but I’m starting to doubt it. I added ammonia accordingly to read 2ppm. However, it’s been stuck at 1ppm for the past 3 days. That being said, I know API test are not the best but I also tested my mature nano tank and the readings were correct (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate). I added a bit more microbacter as I thought maybe there isn’t enough. Should I continue to wait it out? Should I dose a bit more ammonia to reach 2 ppm again? Testing from my larger tank.