It’s hip to be square! What are the benefits of a cube aquarium?
Most of the available aquariums are rectangles and that is what most of us have, however, cube tanks have found a place in the hobby. From small nano setups to 60+ gallon square tanks, these cube tanks are offered by many aquarium-makers. Whether you have a cube tank, have thoughts about it, and can even imagine having one, what do you think are the benefits of a cube aquarium? Maybe it is the lighting footprint of your preferred LED fixture that matches that footprint of the tank, the viewing angles, the opportunity for unique aquascaping, or more. Please tell us what you think about the positives of a cube tank, as well as any tips that you may have, in the discussion!
Photo by @shaner014
Most of the available aquariums are rectangles and that is what most of us have, however, cube tanks have found a place in the hobby. From small nano setups to 60+ gallon square tanks, these cube tanks are offered by many aquarium-makers. Whether you have a cube tank, have thoughts about it, and can even imagine having one, what do you think are the benefits of a cube aquarium? Maybe it is the lighting footprint of your preferred LED fixture that matches that footprint of the tank, the viewing angles, the opportunity for unique aquascaping, or more. Please tell us what you think about the positives of a cube tank, as well as any tips that you may have, in the discussion!
Photo by @shaner014