Help with leathers. I’ve had several different types of leathers and none do well. Most will not open or extend polyps.
I have tried more flow, higher up placement, different locations. Not sure what else to do.
Torch’s, Hammers, candy canes, mushrooms, zoas, Duncan, acros all doing great and growing.
Tank is 75 gallon with sump set up for 1 year.
Lights ai hydra 32
Jabeo scp 90 flow
Salt 1.025
Alk 9
Calcium 500 little high but I don’t think this is the problem
Mag 1340
Nitrate 12
Phos .09
I had this same set up with different scape 3 years ago and leathers did great.
Only difference is 3 years ago I didn’t run a glass lid. This time I am. Could glass lid be my issue.
I have tried more flow, higher up placement, different locations. Not sure what else to do.
Torch’s, Hammers, candy canes, mushrooms, zoas, Duncan, acros all doing great and growing.
Tank is 75 gallon with sump set up for 1 year.
Lights ai hydra 32
Jabeo scp 90 flow
Salt 1.025
Alk 9
Calcium 500 little high but I don’t think this is the problem
Mag 1340
Nitrate 12
Phos .09
I had this same set up with different scape 3 years ago and leathers did great.
Only difference is 3 years ago I didn’t run a glass lid. This time I am. Could glass lid be my issue.