Makes sense a QT if using NSW?


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I’m new to the reefing hobby and, for now, I only have an all in one 120 L tank. I’ve been using natural sea water so far, as I live very close to the beach and this way I ensure parameters are okay. I collect the water from a very clean source and everytime I’ve checked, parameters were perfect. It’s just much more comfortable to me than wasting time preparing the water when I can get it super fast and easy.
My plan was getting a new larger tank and keep the current one for Quarantine. However, I’ve started to wonder how useful/efficient would that be if I’m still using NSW, which can contain natural diseases (I add the water all straight, don’t boil, filter nor any other sort of control). Does it worth it to keep a tank to quarantine fish before adding them to a tank which can have any sort of natural diseases ? I know I could take all the precautions mentioned above, but taking all those precautions would mean so much work and effort that taking water from the sea, wouldn’t make sense anymore as I do it because it’s easier for me, I don’t want it to make it harder instead .
I’ve also thought about the possibility of keeping both tanks as display ones and In case it was necessary to treat a fish do to Ich or any other disease, I could temporarily move all the inverts and corals to the other tank while keeping all the fish medicated in the one they were. My main concern in that situation, specifically with Ich, is that it could still survive in the rocks/coral supports so I would reinsert it when moving the corals back in their original tank after fish treatment was finished. Though, that’s something that could probably happen anyway with a frag I bought in my LFS which carried the Ich on itself and which evidently I could not medicate before adding it to the display tank.

All in all, I’m in Dilema hahaha, so I hear your ideas on it.

Best regards.

Pd: I hope I’m posting it in the right section, if not, sorry in advance.


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I’m new to the reefing hobby and, for now, I only have an all in one 120 L tank. I’ve been using natural sea water so far, as I live very close to the beach and this way I ensure parameters are okay. I collect the water from a very clean source and everytime I’ve checked, parameters were perfect. It’s just much more comfortable to me than wasting time preparing the water when I can get it super fast and easy.
My plan was getting a new larger tank and keep the current one for Quarantine. However, I’ve started to wonder how useful/efficient would that be if I’m still using NSW, which can contain natural diseases (I add the water all straight, don’t boil, filter nor any other sort of control). Does it worth it to keep a tank to quarantine fish before adding them to a tank which can have any sort of natural diseases ? I know I could take all the precautions mentioned above, but taking all those precautions would mean so much work and effort that taking water from the sea, wouldn’t make sense anymore as I do it because it’s easier for me, I don’t want it to make it harder instead .
I’ve also thought about the possibility of keeping both tanks as display ones and In case it was necessary to treat a fish do to Ich or any other disease, I could temporarily move all the inverts and corals to the other tank while keeping all the fish medicated in the one they were. My main concern in that situation, specifically with Ich, is that it could still survive in the rocks/coral supports so I would reinsert it when moving the corals back in their original tank after fish treatment was finished. Though, that’s something that could probably happen anyway with a frag I bought in my LFS which carried the Ich on itself and which evidently I could not medicate before adding it to the display tank.

All in all, I’m in Dilema hahaha, so I hear your ideas on it.

Best regards.

Pd: I hope I’m posting it in the right section, if not, sorry in advance.
To assure disease free, I would use mixed batch water which will not contain foreign matter as a safety for QT tank

Jay Hemdal

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I’m new to the reefing hobby and, for now, I only have an all in one 120 L tank. I’ve been using natural sea water so far, as I live very close to the beach and this way I ensure parameters are okay. I collect the water from a very clean source and everytime I’ve checked, parameters were perfect. It’s just much more comfortable to me than wasting time preparing the water when I can get it super fast and easy.
My plan was getting a new larger tank and keep the current one for Quarantine. However, I’ve started to wonder how useful/efficient would that be if I’m still using NSW, which can contain natural diseases (I add the water all straight, don’t boil, filter nor any other sort of control). Does it worth it to keep a tank to quarantine fish before adding them to a tank which can have any sort of natural diseases ? I know I could take all the precautions mentioned above, but taking all those precautions would mean so much work and effort that taking water from the sea, wouldn’t make sense anymore as I do it because it’s easier for me, I don’t want it to make it harder instead .
I’ve also thought about the possibility of keeping both tanks as display ones and In case it was necessary to treat a fish do to Ich or any other disease, I could temporarily move all the inverts and corals to the other tank while keeping all the fish medicated in the one they were. My main concern in that situation, specifically with Ich, is that it could still survive in the rocks/coral supports so I would reinsert it when moving the corals back in their original tank after fish treatment was finished. Though, that’s something that could probably happen anyway with a frag I bought in my LFS which carried the Ich on itself and which evidently I could not medicate before adding it to the display tank.

All in all, I’m in Dilema hahaha, so I hear your ideas on it.

Best regards.

Pd: I hope I’m posting it in the right section, if not, sorry in advance.

How far offshore are you collecting the NSW?



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Hi, thanks for your fast reply. What do you mean by mixed batch water ? Is it a common concept over here ?
using salt mix and making your own.


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How far offshore are you collecting the NSW?

Hi, I collect it on the shore itself, in the beach, where the waves break. It is a very clean spot, uncrowded beach with crystal waters and no boats come across. I just go into the ocean with a couple of big barrels (20L) and fill them. Then carry them to the car and that’s it.

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