Starting a thread to show progression. I have no idea what I’m doing. Winging it mostly from research and forming my own opinions.
100g(90? Idk)/20g sump & DIY Chaeto reactor from an old calcium reactor - 2 clowns, yellow tang, Molly Miller Blenny. Typical green algae growth. Nothing major.
29g frag/invert QT - Mostly Zoas and some Purple Stylophora, Cyphastrea and countless specimens of who knows what. Need a camera filter.
20g fish QT - Currently with a Royal & 6 line wrasse (the wrasse is nice and got him from LFS in a tank with others. He’s fine.)
Sunday 1/5/25:
-Get better camera shots with a filter
-Add parameters
-Vent my issues I’m dealing with
Thanks for looking
100g(90? Idk)/20g sump & DIY Chaeto reactor from an old calcium reactor - 2 clowns, yellow tang, Molly Miller Blenny. Typical green algae growth. Nothing major.
29g frag/invert QT - Mostly Zoas and some Purple Stylophora, Cyphastrea and countless specimens of who knows what. Need a camera filter.
20g fish QT - Currently with a Royal & 6 line wrasse (the wrasse is nice and got him from LFS in a tank with others. He’s fine.)
Sunday 1/5/25:
-Get better camera shots with a filter
-Add parameters
-Vent my issues I’m dealing with
Thanks for looking