SCIENTIFIC NAME - Pseudocheilinus ocellatus
COMMON NAME – Mystery Wrasse, Five Bar Wrasse
SIZE – 5 in (13 cm)
MIN. AQUARIUM SIZE - 50 gal (190 L)
FOODS AND FEEDING - Should be fed a variety of high quality marine meaty foods.
REEF COMPATIBILITY – Yes. May eat ornamental shrimp.
CAPTIVE CARE - This fish does best when kept with other peaceful tankmates. The mystery wrasse needs a sand substrate to burrow in at night or when scared. This fish will constantly roam the aquarium in search of food in the form of small crustaceans. When full grown, the mystery wrasse often develops a taste for smaller ornamental shrimp. They can be kept with other species of wrasses. Wrasses are known jumpers so the aquarium top should be covered.