Hello all, i have been thinking about getting an Achilles tang for about a year and have done some research, but wanted opinions from the experts on here and people who have had experience with them if it’s the right fish to buy. Current tank info: 7 inch emporer angelfish, 5 inch passer angelfish, 4 inch French angelfish, 3.5 inch blue face angelfish, 4 inch melanarus wrasse, 5 inch harlequin tusk, three 3 inch flame angels, African starfish, blue lincika starfish, 12 inch banana moray eel, two 1 inch blue/yellow damsels, 4 inch purple tang, 4 inch tomini tang. 4 inch asfur angel and 3 inch chrysurus angel waiting to go in from the quarantine tank. So I was thinking about adding a 7-8 inch Achilles tang into the quarantine tank once the other two fish are out of it. Quarantine is 20 gallons (not long). I was wondering if this would be enough space for the fish while in the quarantine, how I should quarantine the tang (what medication, how long, etc), and if he would get along with all they other fish in my tank. Also I’m not concerned about the purple tang and tomini tang bothering him because they were living in some guys basement with an auto feeder on for 2 years, so are very shy towards my other fish and not aggressive. Also I don’t have to worry about when this fish will be available at an LFS I know someone who can get it to when needed with a 14 day gaurentee. I Am worried that once the fish goes into the main system that if he contracts ich, I won’t be able to treat it because my eel and starfish will melt. If there are any medications that won’t burn them alive please let me know. have a FX6 set up for the my main system which is 180 gallons, and will be getting another FX6 or FX4 shortly. All opinions are wanted and welcome.