Hi everyone I have a pair of percula clownfish I’m trying to pair I’ve had the female for about 5-6 months and then found another one I’ve been looking for that was a bit smaller than her, when I put the smaller one in the tank with her the smaller one tried to go in the pot but she wouldn’t let him he now sleeps in the top corner of the tank and female sleeps in the pot sometimes or opposite side of the width of the tank from the other one the smaller one dose come down from the top corner and swims around and she sometimes runs the smaller one down and chases him and he dose the submission dance I’ve had them together 5 weeks but he doesn’t try go in the pot anymore but they swim together now and again do you think given more time they will become a bonded pair I was just wondering on other peoples experiences my aim is to try and get them breeding as they are a nice pair thanks