Please Need help before more fish die!


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Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my aquarium. Randomly my white tail tang seemed to have had some bacterial infection or something theat seems like ick. The next day I noticed one of my clowns had foggy eyes, along with some fin rotting and white mucus on the skin. I went to my local aquarium store and they recommended kanaplex. I did about a 20% water change and treated with kanaplex. My water parameters are as they should be all good. About two days later the white tail tang died and the clown seems worse. I did another 20% water change and continued treatment with kanaplex. This morning two clowns died and now my blonde tang is showing black spots on skin. I have a purple tang that's bullet proof seems as healthy as ever along with some chromies. Please see pictures and video of blonde tang and please advise on issues and how to heal it. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the other fish that died. Been busy with work.

Please help.



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Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my aquarium. Randomly my white tail tang seemed to have had some bacterial infection or something theat seems like ick. The next day I noticed one of my clowns had foggy eyes, along with some fin rotting and white mucus on the skin. I went to my local aquarium store and they recommended kanaplex. I did about a 20% water change and treated with kanaplex. My water parameters are as they should be all good. About two days later the white tail tang died and the clown seems worse. I did another 20% water change and continued treatment with kanaplex. This morning two clowns died and now my blonde tang is showing black spots on skin. I have a purple tang that's bullet proof seems as healthy as ever along with some chromies. Please see pictures and video of blonde tang and please advise on issues and how to heal it. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the other fish that died. Been busy with work.

Please help.

@Jay Hemdal

Jay Hemdal

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Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my aquarium. Randomly my white tail tang seemed to have had some bacterial infection or something theat seems like ick. The next day I noticed one of my clowns had foggy eyes, along with some fin rotting and white mucus on the skin. I went to my local aquarium store and they recommended kanaplex. I did about a 20% water change and treated with kanaplex. My water parameters are as they should be all good. About two days later the white tail tang died and the clown seems worse. I did another 20% water change and continued treatment with kanaplex. This morning two clowns died and now my blonde tang is showing black spots on skin. I have a purple tang that's bullet proof seems as healthy as ever along with some chromies. Please see pictures and video of blonde tang and please advise on issues and how to heal it. I wasn't able to get any pictures of the other fish that died. Been busy with work.

Please help.

Welcome to Reef2Reef!

I wish I could have seen how the white tailed tang looked before it died.....

The naso seems to have ich - the spots on the body are dark, but I can see spots on the clear pectoral fins that are ich. The fish may also have flukes (multiple infections are pretty common). With an ich infection in an established tank, it is pretty common for the fish to develop infections at different rates - some fish will die from it, while others with stronger immune systems may not show any spots at all (for a time anyway).

There isn't going to be any easy, successful treatment if the tank has invertebrates in it. If it is fish only, then I would suggest running hyposalinity as that will handle ich, black ich and flukes.


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Welcome to Reef2Reef!

I wish I could have seen how the white tailed tang looked before it died.....

The naso seems to have ich - the spots on the body are dark, but I can see spots on the clear pectoral fins that are ich. The fish may also have flukes (multiple infections are pretty common). With an ich infection in an established tank, it is pretty common for the fish to develop infections at different rates - some fish will die from it, while others with stronger immune systems may not show any spots at all (for a time anyway).

There isn't going to be any easy, successful treatment if the tank has invertebrates in it. If it is fish only, then I would suggest running hyposalinity as that will handle ich, black ich and flukes.
Hi Jay,

Thank you for the welcome and the information. I was not aware of the hypo process until now. I've done some research and will do it to eliminate ich specifically in my tank. I don't have any corals yet ( good thing i waited) but I do have a shrimp, a red sea star and a some snails. I'll have to figure out what to do with them before I do the hypo. The blond tang seems to be fighting through all the infections at the moment and is eating well. Hopefully the kanaplex is working. I'm on day three of the treatment. Do I keep running the skimmer when I do the hypo treatment to help with the oxygen? Also how long should I do this to completely eliminate ich in the tank and do i need to replacefilters often? I will be doing this on my display tank.

Thank you for all the information and your help.

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