A couple weeks ago I noticed a white, web/sponge-y looking growth on the side of one of my zoanthid colonies so decided to investigate. I discovered it wrapped underneath the rock and when I flipped it over found the underneath to be more than 1/2 covered in the growth. Even more shocking was what crawled out of the "web"... 8 legs, they appear to be sea spiders (there seem to be 4 or 5 on this rock). They are quite small, about 1/2 the size of a dime, and translucent. I'm assuming they will grow larger.
Can anyone help identify (pics attached)? They do not bother the zoanthid they're living under so I'm in no hurry to get rid of them but would love to know what strange little creatures they are.
Can anyone help identify (pics attached)? They do not bother the zoanthid they're living under so I'm in no hurry to get rid of them but would love to know what strange little creatures they are.