Small wins: Have you had long-term success with a pico reef?
It seems that lately pico tanks have got a lot of attention and tiny tanks have been showing up at reef shows, at LFSs, and in advertisements from many online vendors. Do you think these are just a fad or are they sustainable? Is it possible and is it likely to keep a pico reef over a lengthy period of time? Have you kept a pico or nano tank for more than six months? A year? Two years? Tell us about you experience with the longevity of keeping a pico tank and share in the discussion any tips or insights that you may have!
Eshopps Deskmate tank; photo by @aquaman.shalom
It seems that lately pico tanks have got a lot of attention and tiny tanks have been showing up at reef shows, at LFSs, and in advertisements from many online vendors. Do you think these are just a fad or are they sustainable? Is it possible and is it likely to keep a pico reef over a lengthy period of time? Have you kept a pico or nano tank for more than six months? A year? Two years? Tell us about you experience with the longevity of keeping a pico tank and share in the discussion any tips or insights that you may have!
Eshopps Deskmate tank; photo by @aquaman.shalom