Clownfish was fine and happy when I went to bed, woke up to him dead in the sand. Any idea of what could have caused it?
Tank is 20 gallon mixed reef red sea Max Nano, with 2 (now 1) clowns, an urchin, emerald crab, 2 hermits, and a bunch of snails. Clownfish has been living in it for a year.
There had been some on-and-off bullying by the larger clown, but he looked fine last night.
Tank is 20 gallon mixed reef red sea Max Nano, with 2 (now 1) clowns, an urchin, emerald crab, 2 hermits, and a bunch of snails. Clownfish has been living in it for a year.
There had been some on-and-off bullying by the larger clown, but he looked fine last night.