Phosphate around .03 and nitrate around 3.5.
Have chaeto, sea lettuce, and mangroves.
Very little algae in tank other then coralline. clean up crew of
Astrea snails
Nerite snails
Turbo snails
Peppermint shrimp
4 different types of urchins
(Maybe) a few surviving emerald crabs
There are 3 spots where some sort of stubborn turf algae grows. It is definitely not GHA. It does not rip off easily and leaves big white roots wrapped around at the base of it all when I do. From these it just regrows. It is Along 1 base rock on the side, on the overflow, and along a lower down vent for the overflow.
For the most part this doesn't bother me and I can manage it. However along the top of the overflow if a pain. I am trying to clean it off daily at this point so it doesnt get clogged by it.Does anything at all eat this stuff? Nothing in my CUC will touch it. I also have a tomini flame fin that's supposed to eat algae like crazy but he won't touch it.
If nothing else then is it safe to drop the water and spray the edge of the overflow with peroxide then just raise the water back up? Or will that hurt the tank? I have used peroxide to dip corals in the past.
Have chaeto, sea lettuce, and mangroves.
Very little algae in tank other then coralline. clean up crew of
Astrea snails
Nerite snails
Turbo snails
Peppermint shrimp
4 different types of urchins
(Maybe) a few surviving emerald crabs
There are 3 spots where some sort of stubborn turf algae grows. It is definitely not GHA. It does not rip off easily and leaves big white roots wrapped around at the base of it all when I do. From these it just regrows. It is Along 1 base rock on the side, on the overflow, and along a lower down vent for the overflow.
For the most part this doesn't bother me and I can manage it. However along the top of the overflow if a pain. I am trying to clean it off daily at this point so it doesnt get clogged by it.Does anything at all eat this stuff? Nothing in my CUC will touch it. I also have a tomini flame fin that's supposed to eat algae like crazy but he won't touch it.
If nothing else then is it safe to drop the water and spray the edge of the overflow with peroxide then just raise the water back up? Or will that hurt the tank? I have used peroxide to dip corals in the past.