Hello, would like some insight and hopefully advise on how to help my frog spawn and hammer.
About 3 weeks ago I noticed the polyps of both of these coral were not super happy , the only element that I noticed was definitely too high was ALK at 12.3 please don't come at me I did not write down the other ones as they were between the recommended ranges from BRS, but I do recall having nitrates at 10.3 and Phos at 0.15 ( my phosphates usually run bit high but don't chase the number because all of my corals look really happy with it)
Fast forward 1 week I had a crash where I had my scooter dragonette, one of my clowns passed
and my other clown was struggling, someone was helping me take care of the tank and I believe what happened was a potential overdose of algae barn's pns pro bio + yellow snow. Ammonia was 1.0ppm. So I quickly did a big water change and added beneficial bacteria; my other clown made it throught this crisis (my goby didn't even notice he kept cleaning the tank like nothing had happened)
Fast forward again to today both my frog spawn are still showing colors and expanding some HOWEVER they look more like "blobs" there are no actual polyps? I know someone that had this happen, less severe but the polyps eventually came back for them but I have no info on what they did to fix it.
I've been researching about brown jelly disease and it doesn't look like that?. I did notice their base flesh has shrunken too.
Water parameters from yesterday are as follows:
Temp 77.6
Sal 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 11.1
Ph 8.2
Ca 390
Mg 1340
Alk 9.2
Phos 0.13
Some advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!
About 3 weeks ago I noticed the polyps of both of these coral were not super happy , the only element that I noticed was definitely too high was ALK at 12.3 please don't come at me I did not write down the other ones as they were between the recommended ranges from BRS, but I do recall having nitrates at 10.3 and Phos at 0.15 ( my phosphates usually run bit high but don't chase the number because all of my corals look really happy with it)
Fast forward 1 week I had a crash where I had my scooter dragonette, one of my clowns passed
Fast forward again to today both my frog spawn are still showing colors and expanding some HOWEVER they look more like "blobs" there are no actual polyps? I know someone that had this happen, less severe but the polyps eventually came back for them but I have no info on what they did to fix it.
I've been researching about brown jelly disease and it doesn't look like that?. I did notice their base flesh has shrunken too.
Water parameters from yesterday are as follows:
Temp 77.6
Sal 1.025
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 11.1
Ph 8.2
Ca 390
Mg 1340
Alk 9.2
Phos 0.13
Some advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!