I have this 6in white tail kole tang and he’s been fine up until a few weeks ago. He’s going on an evil bender chasing all my inhabitants around, nipping at the tips of my fuzzy green mushrooms, flashing his blade tail at other fish, chasing my royal gramma around, chasing my wrasse, being an all around jerk. I also just got my dream fish, a Bella goby from the shop today and it came in fine and all, acclimated just fine. Stressed out but that’s normal for new fish. Then my Kole tang smelled him and stared backing into him tail first to bat him away. So he then got chased to the top corner of my tank. While that was happening he was also nipping at my cleaner and scarlet fire shrimps whiskers. They have also been picking up hermits and biting at my nassarius snails tube thingy. I’ve put up a motto at his favorite spot to hang out and it’s not done much in front of it. I’m so scared it will jump but I have a mesh lid but my tank is eurobraced tho. It’s not like I don’t feed them as I feed mysis+ a mega mix of 7 different foods w/ nori twice a week. They are fed but the tang is going psyco! I have a method of removing him but I can’t do it until Saturday. I asked my LFS what to do and they said to wait it out. The tang was like 350$ so I can’t just whisk him away to the corn feild and be done with him. I can also just trade the tang for some other fish and corals as I have a great relationship with my LFS.