Both of my yellow watchman gobies have turned gray with black stripes, and have this diamond shine to their skin.
I bought 2 small YWG, each just over an inch, hoping that they would become a mated pair. The larger one ON the rock (1st pic) turned gray about a week after getting them, so, based on research, I started to think that this one transitioned to female. 2 weeks ago, the 2nd one, under the rock (2nd pic), significantly smaller still also turned gray with black stripes and shiny skin. They have yet to pair with each other. The larger one shares a burrow with a tiger pistol, the other just hides out under rocks on the opposite side of the tank. They both stay the gray color all day, every day. Any advice? I've had them for over 2 months now. They're both eating and swimming around the tank, and the one that shares the burrow chases my carpenter wrasse anytime it gets close. But they seem perfectly healthy outside of color chance.
I bought 2 small YWG, each just over an inch, hoping that they would become a mated pair. The larger one ON the rock (1st pic) turned gray about a week after getting them, so, based on research, I started to think that this one transitioned to female. 2 weeks ago, the 2nd one, under the rock (2nd pic), significantly smaller still also turned gray with black stripes and shiny skin. They have yet to pair with each other. The larger one shares a burrow with a tiger pistol, the other just hides out under rocks on the opposite side of the tank. They both stay the gray color all day, every day. Any advice? I've had them for over 2 months now. They're both eating and swimming around the tank, and the one that shares the burrow chases my carpenter wrasse anytime it gets close. But they seem perfectly healthy outside of color chance.