clown fish

  1. S

    Clown fish has swollen belly

    Hey there, I have a 90 Gallon with 2 clowns who aren’t paired, Mandarin, fire goby and blue damsel. My clown who was the bigger one, is now slightly smaller. But the last couple of days has gotten a really fat or swollen belly. She is still eating lots, but sticking closer to her anemone...
  2. C

    Clownfish behaviour

    Hi, Just got these clowns today. I’m new to having fish, especially marine. They are just swimming around the top. What could this mean? I cycled the tank and the store checked my levels all are okay for the fish. They’ve been in the tank for a few hours now I tried to sprinkle some pallets...
  3. GothFishKeeper

    If a tank has multiple types of clowns, will there be multiple females?

    I work at a lfs and today a customer wanted to buy the lone mai tai clown we had and put it with the mai tai he had in his tank already. He said he also had other kinds of clowns in the tank and they got along well. The question is that since our mai tai was alone, it would’ve been female...
  4. crasius

    Hello Hi, from Romania

    Hi. I’m new into reef keeping and this hobby is pretty much low key in my country (Romania). Not a surprise since this passion can be expensive. In my case I had the resources and last year I started my first saltwater tank, a 20 gallon AIO. Before that I was into freshwater fish and...
  5. Y

    Maroon Clown and Bubble Tip Anemone

    Hello! I have been keeping freshwater aquariums for over 3 years now, and ended up working at Petco (I know...) because of it. Anyway, I haven't really had the urge to keep saltwater until now. There's this maroon Clown that I have taken a liking to at work. It's become super protective of a...
  6. mdock

    Is this ick? Clownfish

    Not sure about the discoloration around his gill plate. He’s been hanging out in the top corner of my tank all evening like he’s trying to get out of the water.
  7. J

    2 fish

    I’m looking at starting out with a 20 gallon saltwater tank here soon. I want a pair of clown fish for sure as well as one more type of fish, and 2 live coral. Maybe 3 coral. As well as 2-3 blue legged hermit crabs. Is that too much for a 20 gallon tank?
  8. maharsreef

    California Live Goods Tank Break Down. Torches Nems Space invader Pectina rainbow pectina

    20 yrs in hobby. I need a break , also, my 200 gal tank was ready to fail. Prices are in pics. Torches all acquired from Calikids a few years ago. Torches are all $50 per head. Big colonie prices are listed in pics. Space invader colony is about 8inch across. All speces of nems have been...
  9. N

    Pairing new, young clownfish? Do I have to worry about separating them?

    Clownfish pairing.. We got our first clownfish a few days ago 1.5”, she’s in a QT. We got the second 1” looks very tiny, we hope to pair tonight. I know the nipping is part of dominance. But I’m afraid of leaving the little one overnight and waking up to a dead fish. I’m thinking I’ll add a...
  10. N

    New fish tilting over at bottom tank?

    Any experience with tilting at bottom tank? Our little clown swims in spot a lot and keeps tilting over? He is only with us two full days now. The first day was a little rough, we did the fish in cycle with Fritz turbo 900 & stress guard, with a hour acclimation (last time in-cycle!). We did a...
  11. N

    New fish - different QTs vs new tank?

    So we have a brand new tank set up (and also bought an 10g QT). We want to start with a pair of clowns and maybe a goby (eventually?) The one fish we knowingly bought from a questionable fish shop (Nothing clean, fish looks okay - young). We only bought there because it was listed as (and...
  12. P

    Clown fish possibly spawning

    So we have had our 25 gallon tank for about 6 months and we think our clownfish may be getting ready to spawn. They are nipping at each other a lot, the male hangs around a small hole in one of my live rocks a little less than half the time I see them. We always found them together but we...
  13. N

    Baby fish & quarantine or straight to new tank?

    So our LFS has a 1” yellow watchman goby, they infrequently have little fish and are the cleanest within a hour of us. We have a new (cycling) 45g tank, pink Fiji Caribsea sand. Should we quarantine him in a non cycled tank qt, or after we cycle can any new fish just “quarantine” in the big...
  14. M

    White particles floating in tank

    Hi all I’ve recently noticed small white particles in my tank floating around don’t think it’s air bubbles but could be wrong any suggestions on what it could be and how to fix cheers
  15. Nutramar Foods

    Whitecap Clownfish

    Whitecap Clownfish are characterized by their vibrant orange bodies, blue hues and distinct white head caps, which give them a unique and striking appearance. In aquariums, Whitecap Clownfish are relatively hardy and easy to care for, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced...
  16. O

    2 White dots on clownfish

    Hi everyone i just noticed today that my clownfish has two white spots behind the white circle around its head , on the right side below its dorsal fin, i thought that its two scales look different but im really worried that it might be ick, can someone more experienced confirm or suggest what...
  17. C

    Brook or velvet???

    I just got 2 clowns at my LFS and they are in QT. I have been dosing ichX and Paraguard for about 1 week. The black and white clow is showing brook or velvet idk. Since im new I dont want to take them back they are active and eating.
  18. V

    My clownfish is acting strange…

    My clown fish has been acting weird. Constantly laying on their side, but will swim when I walk up to the tank. Their color looks great, I don’t see any signs of an illness. I’ve had this clown for 7-8 years now. However. There does appear to be a slight purplish mark on their one side, but...
  19. mia424

    Hello hello from minnesota!

    hello everyone! My name is Mia and I am new to the hobby from Minnesota! I first began my saltwater journey about 1.5 years ago, and after MANY obstacles and roadblocks along the way, my 108 gallon fiji cube tank is finally complete (until I add more fancy equipment in the future!) I currently...
  20. Mattc123

    Huge white growth on established clownfish

    Hi all. I have had this clown exactly a year now. It's had this spot on its side since shortly after I got it but it's always been quite small. In the last few weeks it's gotten to be quite large and I'm not sure what it could be. It's never caused problems but lately he's been having trouble...
  21. A

    Help! I’m new to this

    Hello all my tank has been running for 4 weeks, 1 week with fish in it. I put in two clowns last Friday one seems to be thriving and eating everything while the other hasn’t eaten much if anything in like 3/4 days and is now breathing rapidly. Did I just get unlucky with this one?
  22. N

    EMERGENCY My clownfish has this white spot

    I recently added a tang and now my clown has a huge white patch on 1 side. She is about 18 and from the wild.
  23. T

    Clown fish abruptly sick?

    Hello, I have a clown that has been thriving in my tank for a week now. All the sudden it is breathing heavy, swimming on the sand bed, and not eating. The water parameters are 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20ppm nitrate, salt at 1.026, tempature of 78, with a PH of 8.0. The only thing difference...
  24. AN0N41

    Clown in 6 gal?

    Ok so, I have a 6 gallon cube and I want to keep a clown in it. Also maybe a shrimp or urchin… idk. Maybe not. Would the bio load be too much? I’m really scared about algae taking over. Thanks for your help.
  25. K

    What clownfish do I have

    I bought two little clownfish from Petco only because I just loved the look of this little guy they sold him to me for 20 bucks as a regular clown but I’ve had people say he looks like some type of snowflake clown and just want some more opinions.