
  1. chasing4rabbits

    Did I just kill my cycle?

    Hey. I made an embarrassing mistake. When I put in my new heater for my reef tank, I somehow forgot to put the temperature reading gauge in the tank to monitor the temp and base the heat off the gauge. Therefore my heater was constantly heating up and my tank ended up at 96°F… Thank god I was...
  2. T

    Cycle question- brown spots

    Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster! I have recently upgraded by tank from a roughly 35 gallon to a Red Sea Peninsula 350 G2. I have used the rock from the previous tank but all other equipment and sand etc is new. It has been running for about 9 days now and all seems well. However I...
  3. C

    EMERGENCY Cycling Tank

    Hi, I’m cycling my fish tank and I used Dr Tims one and only on Monday, i unfortunately fell ill and did not have access to my tank until today so there was no ammonium chloride being added to it. How do I go about cycling it now? Can I still start the cycle by adding the ammonium chloride...
  4. F

    Filtration and setup for a bio cube 32

    Hello, I currently have a fluval and I have the bio cube I just need to stuff to fill it and filter it. In my Fluval, I have aphasia and bubble algae and I don't really want to deal with it in the bio cube. I have 16 pounds of live rock in there but like I said it has bubble algae and aphasia...
  5. F

    Filtration and setup for a bio cube 32

    Hello, I currently have a fluval and I have the bio cube I just need to stuff to fill it and filter it. In my Fluval, I have aphasia and bubble algae and I don't really want to deal with it in the bio cube. I have 16 pounds of live rock in there but like I said it has bubble algae and aphasia...
  6. J

    Is this Nitrite Level concerning? Can I begin adding fish?

    Hey all! Been cycling my tank and it’s been all good up until the last 2 days. Nitrites are at 3ppm and nitrates are at 40. Nitrites had been consistently falling from 10ppm until yesterday. My tank processes ammonia in about 24 hours when I dose it up to test which I did for the first time...
  7. G

    4 day cycle?

    Purchased Red Sea Max Nano aquarium. Started cycle 4 days ago. Using Red Sea Reef Mature Starter Kit. Used live sand and two large live rocks from LFS. On day 4, Ammonia 0; Nitrite 0; Nitrate 5. Seems to me it is cycled. If so, do I continue the cycle recipe in the Ref Mature manual? Or...
  8. T

    Nitrites not falling on cycle

    I’m about 2 weeks in to my cycle that started by dosing 1ppm ammonium chloride and used Dr tim’s one and only bacteria. when ammonia dropped to 0.25 each time i redosed ammonia waiting until it got broken down fully in 24 hours. My nitrite started to rise on day 2 and continued to (my salifert...
  9. A

    First cycle

    Hey everyone, I am cycling my first saltwater aquarium. My tag is a 35 gallon cube tank. I have a hang on the back filter. It has been cycling for about a week now I have live rock and live sand in the aquarium. I purchased Turbo start 900 and was wondering if it is too late to put the turbo...
  10. smacrophylia

    Tank upgrade (worried about acros)

    I have a Red Sea aquarium that has blown two back wall pumps and is generally old. So I am planning on ordering a waterbox infinia frag tank. Not a major upgrade on the size just an additional 40-50 gallons I’m not sure exactly what the Red Sea is. (Maybe 130 total volume) waterbox will be...
  11. jdivz87

    What is this? Someone gotta know lol

    Hey fam! So I’ve cycled many tanks and this is the first time that I’ve cycled using ammonium chloride and Dr Tim’s… not sure if this is because of it but my tank is cloudy and has a white powdering kind of substance on glass walls and pump as shown in the pics. I know a bacterial bloom but...
  12. B

    Cycling Question

    I got some Aquaforest dry rock last week and created an aquascape. I have had it cycling in a brute for about 5 days with some already “live rock” from my tank and tank water. I also added Fritz Turbo 900, and I was wondering how much longer should I wait to add the rock into the tank? I will...
  13. L

    My tank isn’t cycling!

    Hello i have been cycling my tank for 2 weeks now and my levels have been like this for about a week i upped water temperature to 86 because i heard that is speeds up the process about 4 days ago and nothing has happened. it also might be important that i did dry rock and dry sand because I...
  14. L

    Is my tank ready for livestock?

    My 150g has been cycling for about 6 weeks and algae growth has been showing for about a week and a half, am I ready to start adding fish and coral? If not how long should I wait more? Parameters below: Salinity:1.025 Ph:8.0 Ammonia:0ppm Nitrate:0ppm Nitrite:0ppm Calcium:400ppm Phosphate:0ppm...
  15. N

    Fluval 13.5 Evo cycle questions??

    Hello all, I am new to saltwater. I have had freshwater before but it has been a very long time. I just got a Fluval 13.5 Evo and I added water, live sand, and live rock from a local trusted distributor and I was going to attempt to perform a fishless cycle but family wanted to watch...
  16. P

    Ripping out live rock

    Hey. Im wondering. Can i rip out all the live rock in My tank to clean and avoid a new cycle. My tank has been struggeling real bad, and now the rocks are just covered in buble alge. So What Im thinking is ripping them out, taking all the corals of, and clean the rocks one by one
  17. R

    Something is growing on my live rock

    I am a new reefer and have had my tank for 6 days. I started cycling it with half live rock half dry rock, after two days I added a clown per my local fish store, he is doing great. About 4 days in I noticed this growing on my live rock but none of the pictures I see look like it. Over the last...
  18. legacy2mj

    Dry live rock “cook”

    I’m building a max nano cause a buddy just had it sitting in his garage, no real spacific plans with it, got a little nano sump built and plumbed in. Since Iv just been doing this on free time here and there nothing about it has been urgent. I have some dry live rock I’m gonna put in it. I have...
  19. Fr4nkthet4nk

    Upgrade my Aquarium

    Hello Reefers, I have been cycling my new aquarium 260 gallons for a week and a half after adding turbo start 900 and some rocks from my old system. Today I made a nitrate test and found 1.2 ppm. I have 3 little fish in there swimming happily and eating a lot. I am upgrading my 110-gallon tank...
  20. Gabbone

    Red Sea Mature Starter Kit issue with water values

    Hi guys, This is my first post ever :oops: sorry for any dumb questions! I am new to Reef World and I've started my first cycle in a blue marine 30g tank with a back AIO sump. I've bought the Red Sea Mature Starter Kit and I've been following the day-by-day guide. Right now I am on Day 10...
  21. C

    Oil Slick Off of New Bio Spheres

    I'm cycling a new nano tank (IM Fusion 20 Gallon), and I got a pack of Seaside Aquatics ceramic bio-spheres from BRS to put in the back of the AIO. The spheres just come in a mesh media bag from BRS tossed in cardboard shipping box. The media bag was in tatters too with holes ripped (or chewed)...
  22. jbonez_

    Setting up QT tank

    I'm looking to set up my QT, I have a spare 15g AIO that was given to me figured perfect tank to use for QT. I've read you don't need to cycle a QT tank but have to really be on your game for water changes, how often would I be expected to do water changes if I didn't cycle it? I currently...
  23. R

    Can media blocks replace rocks so I can rescape?

    Hey guys, I have a 25-gallon reef tank with a few corals. It has been running for over a year now. I don't like my aquascape. Doesn't give me great options for placing corals. I wanna completely replace the rock that I have with new pieces. They will most likely be dead rock. Non alive rock...
  24. krayzie

    Dr Tim's Cycle delaying of adding first fish

    Hi Everyone i plan on using the Dr Tim's Method to kick off the cycle in my new tank in a few saturdays which im really excited about! according to the instructions on day 9 it says to add fish but unfortunatly i wont be able to get to my LFS to get my first fish. If i waited until day 15 to...
  25. marcosnano

    Few questions before doing an upgrade

    Hello reefers, After 1 year in hobby I finally spent some money for a minor upgrade, from 12G nano to 25G shallow nano. I have a few questions. 1. I want to change scape, I never liked scape in my tank. I will be getting some new ceramic rocks with different shape. How do I make sure I don't...