
  1. Rahulreece

    Clownfish not eating

    Hi I brought an oscellaris Clownfish at Friday a two of them .one is taking pellets and other one is not taking pellets tried some live feed .it seems is not interested.yesterday onwards staying at bottom of the sand seems weird.so separated it in tank .please suggestion me a solution for this...
  2. WhitePanther93

    Is my light broken?

    My power went out the other day when the electric company swapped out the electric meter on my house. Due to weird wifi router issues I had to reconnect and reschedule my kessil A360x. While doing so the light suddenly went out and hasn’t turned back on since. No indication on the wifi model...
  3. Chela101

    IS THIS ICH!!!!!

    Hello, so I recently got my box spine puffer fish and I noticed some small white dots on my fish. Barely starting and just on his fins. I have screenshots of a video that I took so you guys can see it
  4. L

    Algae Id and how to remove?

    I woke up overnight and all of this algae appeared out of nowhere it seems, what inverts will take care of this. I am considering hermit crabs.
  5. B

    Cinnamon clown with spots during copper treatment

    Hello everyone my fish have all been in QT with copper power 2.35-2.50 ppm and nitrofurazone for the last 31 days. Since I had an ich on my purple tang so took everyone out. Currently in the process of setting up a new 125 gallon for everyone. I’m pretty sure copper never dropped below...
  6. L


    Guys… what is going on with my anemone? My Perimeters are normal with 0 ammonia. My salinity is 1.023. Hosting clown does not seem to be touching it at all.
  7. PizzaIan339

    Help Hammer dying!!! skeleton fully out!

    Help my hammer coral I got about a month ago is dying and showing skeleton fully! This is lights on! This is lights off Please help I love this coral! Nitrates:18 Phosphate:0.25 Alkalinity: 8.6 Could it be my peppermint?
  8. Chris’s fish

    EMERGENCY- Tang Upside down + Infection

    Hey all, My orange shoulder tang had a bacterial infection and got worse. I just moved him to a quarantine tank and now hes upside down and breathing rapidly. I added an extra airstone and covered the tank with a towel. I added metroplex, kanaplex, and Furan-2. Is there anything else I can do...
  9. Yates273

    Please help! Neptune stopped working

    Anyone have any ideas. My Neptune is blinking all different colors and will not work. I have it plugged in using Ethernet, but it won’t connect. I tried to reset but still nothing. All of my modules are blinking as well The eb832 is also blinking orange. Anyone out there have an idea how to...
  10. sp314

    Small black dot on clown fish

    Hi there. The other day I was at my lfs looking to purchase a pair of Wyoming white clowns for my new tank. I watched them in the store, checking to see if I saw any issues with the fish. They seemed fine to me. They were under blue light so it was harder to see. Once I got home and put them in...
  11. Alex’s_Mini_Reef

    Acanthophyllia Deflated and Expelled White Substance , Cloudy Tank

    Just Pick Up My Acanthophyllia , Arrived friday from Corals.com It opened nicely today but as soon as light went out it complete deflated , expelled white stringy substance and left my tank all cloudy. Itsort of looked like a mini volcano, I have never seen such occurrence. Anybody else ever...
  12. R

    Emergency - Blond naso tang swim up and down

    Merry Christmas all! Been reading and learning in reef2reef for a while and this is my first post and need some help to save my blond naso tang. I had him in my DT over 3 months now and he had been doing fine and healthy. Yesterday I notice my blond naso have stressed mark during the day when I...
  13. Reefer37

    EMERGENCY Freak Accident with Clown

    Had a complete freak accident with a clownfish I’ve had for about 5 years. I’m actually in the process of getting out of the hobby and was taking my clownfish pair to my local saltwater fish supplier. He’s a good guy and was actually planning on keeping them for his personal tank. Anyway, while...
  14. A

    Finally figured out why my stylophora was dying need help identifying what bug it is

    I’ve been having problems with my stylophora for a while and was blaming myself and checked everything and tried to change the lights/ flow/ nutrients slowly for almost 2 months to see what is was. Now that it is completely gone I can see some bugs on the stylos. Before adding to tank I used...
  15. N

    PJ Cardinal not eating - 1 week after Royal Gramma fish loss

    Folks - About 1 week ago I had an unexplained loss of a Royal Gramma, see posts here: and here: Over the past 2-3 days my PJ Cardinal has been hiding a bit more, not eating (you can see the bits of Mysis he is ignoring in the video), and maybe breathing heavy? Video: Any thoughts on what...
  16. gustavviklund

    Cleaner shrimp dead??

    This is what I woke up to this morning... He have been hiding and not eating for a couple of days so I thought he was doing a molt but this doesn't look good. Is he dead?
  17. Goby Bryant

    Clownfish issue

    My clownfish is at the bottom of the tank moving her body side to side, but not swimming. No coloration changes. What should I do? #fishmedic
  18. F


    Hello, So I am doing a deep clean in my tank, it’s a 75 Gallon tank with fish only, with a 25 Gallon Sump, I took out the water then noticed that I don’t have enough salt to make new water, and I already dumped out my old water, I put in 3 gallons wirh the correct amount of salt (1.025) and now...
  19. Parrickt

    EMERGENCY Fish sucked into wavemaker

    I don’t know what to do just got this captive yellow tang the other day and I came home from work and he was stuck to the wave maker! He is barely swimming and his eye looks like it is about to pop
  20. Parrickt

    EMERGENCY Fish sucked into wavemaker

    I don’t know what to do just got this captive yellow tang the other day and I came home from work and he was stuck to the wave maker! He is barely swimming and his eye looks like it is about to pop
  21. X

    EMERGENCY Help identifying worms/bugs?

    Hi!! Guys I need your help, a couple of days ago, I noticed tiny things in my tank, I do not know if they are worms, bugs, or what they are, but I know there are tons of them. And I do not know if they could be harmful or not to the reef. So I was wondering if any of you guys can identify...
  22. tech_reefer

    EMERGENCY Cycling Question 60 Gallon Tank

    Hi, So I started to cycle my tank September 16 and I added some Fritz Turbo Start 900 that was for 100 gallons my tank is roughly 60 gallons minus the rock and other media. I haven’t done a water change and I use Brighwell ammonia. I have some fish coming tomorrow. What can I do to make it easy...
  23. A

    EMERGENCY Cleaner shrimp with super glue on pincers

    So while I was cleaning the tank about half an hour ago, I decided to glue a couple of rocks down, and as I did so my cleaner shrimp got a little curious and, thinking the glue was food, decided to grab some of the stuff and see if he could eat it, only to get it all over his front limbs. He...
  24. LiLinka

    Tank mystery leak (emergency)

    Can someone assist me. I have no idea what’s going on with my tank. I filled it yesterday and we had a minor leak that was taken care of. Whole system was off overnight and I woke up with about 25g of water on the floor from the sump overfilled. I don’t know how the water got into the sump...
  25. T

    EMERGENCY Black Angler dying!?! Need help*****

    apologies for the double post, accident I came home from work today and my angler that I just gotten in and acclimated yesterday was sitting upside down almost floating off the sand kinda going with the flow when last night he had been acting normal properly latched onto a rock just doing his...