
  1. L

    EMERGENCY Clownfish pair possible brooklynella

    Hello, I need some help in regards to my clownfish pair showing signs of brooklynella. Mucus peeling away from face region, occasional flashing against plastic/rubber parts of tank, frayed/clamped fins. I have a 26 gallon reef with a total of 3 captive bred fishes. Two clownfish and a royal...
  2. W

    EMERGENCY #fishmedic Does Confish have a parasite

    So 2 mornings ago I got a phone call at work. My fox space was covered in white spots. I got home to take pictures and he looked fine later on. That night, my clown fish started acting, really weird and I noticed his coloration, not right. I the next morning notice spots. White spots all over...
  3. Razorbacks

    Royal Gramma Losing Color

    My royal gramma seems to be losing color. I've read this is common, but since it seems to be accelerating a bit I'm wondering if there's something else going on. Below is some tank info as well as a link to a video of the fish roughly 30 seconds long. The RG shares a tank with 2 clowns and a...
  4. G

    EMERGENCY Help ID’ing what’s wrong with my purple tang.

    Hello all and happy Easter! Quick backstory. I suspected ich in my 125 fowlr system so I did a 30 day Hyposalinity treatment where I held 1.008-1.009 for 30 full days. After about a week into it my purple tang started having these white spots show up and it gradually got worse. I am attaching a...
  5. R

    Is my firefish dying or sick?

    Does my firefish look like it’s sick or is this normal behavior? He usually hides in the live rock but he’s been coming out more often but will lie down on the sand and I really can’t tell if this is normal or not.
  6. Gondeep11

    Help with Disease Identification / Treatment

    Hello All, I am in need of trying to figure out what this might be, I've had this Emperor in 2.5 ppm of copper for the past 15 days, I've also put her thru 2 treatments of Prazipro as well as did a week treatment of API general cure. Originally I thought I had ICK but that is not the case, if...
  7. ReefPsych

    What is on my Powder Blue Tang?

    Hi, I've read a zillion threads at this point, but I want to confirm a diagnosis before I stress out my Power Blue Tang (PBT) with a freshwater dip. He is about 8 years old. My PBT started by having a cloudy eye, and it seemed to be Pop Eye. I gave him Kanaplex, and it cleared up the problem a...
  8. J

    Preparing for Ich Treatment (Fallow)

    I introduced a dartfish and rabbit fish after what I thought was a successful QT. However, I introduced them to the tank and the dartfish had small white spots (about 5 on the tail, fins and 1 on the body) about 2 days after introduction. That was 4 days ago now and I haven't seen another sign...
  9. holly_g

    Is this ich on Triggerfish?

    Hi! This is a n00b in my aquarium added two days ago. Is this for sure ich? I was hoping for confirmation so I know how to treat him. I'm also nervous that it has already spread to the rest of my tank.
  10. G

    Clownfish in QT, is this flashing?

    Clownfish do this weird movement where they seem to swim down into the floor, are they scratching their gills? Attached is another video to demonstrate breathing rate of clownfish on the right, it seems a bit quick to me. They have just been through 3 rounds of praziquantel treatment 10 days...
  11. K

    HELP! Ich, Velvet, or something else

    I noticed some white dots and white discoloration on my midnight lightening clown today and need help diagnosing what it is for treatment. Please help.
  12. F

    Yellow Clown Goby White Gills

    Hey all, Hoping someone can id and provide a treatment plan for my yellow clown goby. His face/gills on both sides are white, which I dont recall seeing when he was in qt. Added to DT last Saturday, no other symptoms at this point in time. TIA
  13. W

    Lyretail anthia eye flukes

    I recently picked up a male Lyretail anthia 2 weeks ago. I had him in QT for a week to get settled in before doing HTTM, plus it was the holiday season and I didn't have the most time on my hands. Anyways, after a week I noticed the right eye was getting cloudy and wasn't sure if it was flukes...
  14. Gondeep11

    Disease Identification / Treatment Non Emergency

    Hello all and happy new year! I just picked up 2 new Triggers (Pink Tail and a Black Trigger) They looked great at the local Store, 2 days later while in my 60gal observation tank I noticed these spots. Due to the size and location I am guessing this is not ICK but could be 100% wrong. Do...
  15. L

    White spots that don’t look like ich.

    Okay so I’ve had ich last year, I know what it looks like. I haven’t had a fish with ich since 6/8/23. The tank was empty for 100 days. Slowly added two medium fish, no signs, healthy. Added a four in angel after a few months. Same. Healthy, no signs. Added this emperor on Tuesday...
  16. vaguelyreeflike

    EMERGENCY Dying Lionfish, please help

    This little dwarf was surrendered, I didn’t realize just how poor condition he was last night and this morning majority of his scales have melted off, as well as his spine coverings and his fins. I’m very attached to this fish, please tell me there’s something I can do to save him? He won’t...
  17. MB_Corals


    Hello, I just got this new blue hippo tang 3 days ago and tonight I noticed these white spots on him. What are they are they just stress spots or ick? And what should I do? Pls help the water parameters are perfect btw. I just separated him from a clown tang that would attack him
  18. C

    Help! Brook or Ich

    ***Sorry in advance for the long read***if you’ve had experience with Ich/Brook…I would love your advice and feedback! Starting a week ago I noticed my black clownfish had what I thought was Ich. Initially I did RODI dip—helped significantly, almost all spots fell off and started treating DT...
  19. Gman6766

    Tang bumps Only under blue light

    Looking for some input here. I have a hybrid achilles tang that completed QT about 3 weeks ago. Hybrid TTM with formalin bath on transfer days. Eating aggressively and healthy. Today while putting him in acclimation box in my display I noticed a texture evenly throughout his body almost like...
  20. newreef1

    EMERGENCY Linespot TRIGGER need help!

    Hey guys, So yesterday morning my trigger was fine, ate like a pig, everything normal. Last night it jumped out of the tank and managed to land on top of my tank cover, it was out for a few seconds before I heard it and put him back in. He proceeded to try to have his mouth out the water kinda...
  21. G

    EMERGENCY Pearlscale butterfly help

    I am attaching a short video of my pearlscale butterfly. I’ve had it for about three weeks now. Eats like a pig. Has a lot of personality. But will scrape against rocks. I noticed a few spots that look like scales peeling off. I pulled carbon and dosed Prazipro this past Sunday. Also put in an...
  22. m.k.aqautics

    Ich, Velvet, or Brook?

    Water Parameters: Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 30 ppm pH: 7.8 Over the last couple weeks I’ve had this going around my tank. I brought in a flameback angelfish (and like a fool, didn’t quarantine). Soon after I introduced the flameback angelfish, two cardinalfish died seemingly for...
  23. EliMelly

    EMERGENCY Ich or other disease on wrasse?

    Hello, #fishmedic #jayhamdel #vetteguy53081 Starting to see some white spots on of course the one non quarantined fish in my tank. Any idea if this is Ich and next steps? Other fish don’t seem to be affected so far… Thanks !
  24. C

    Reddish hue, dead fish

    I had a goby pass away a couple days ago, and now the tail spot blenny in the same tank is acting the same way. symptoms: Little reaction to my presence Tends to stay in one place/inactive High respiration (160ish on goby) Camo mode more often with blenny Just noticed this today and connected...
  25. asdrager

    EMERGENCY Help to diagnose and treat a Scribbled Angelfish with a mouth infection

    Hello, I am seeking some help to diagnose and plan a course of treatment for a scribbled angelfish. I purchased her 2 1/2 weeks ago and settled her in my QT with no issues. She was eating brine and mysis shrimp and showed no signs of any problems. This weekend I moved her to my main reef...