
  1. Reefer Matt

    Michigan Testing Listing Ended

    Listing ended.
  2. F

    .01/.02 phosphates, some hair algae. Should i get them higher?

    Hello reefing community, My parameters are: Nitrates 8.5 Phosphates .01/.02 Alk 8 Mg 1450 Calcium 440 I have some few hair algae. My corals look like if they are starving. My question is. Should i get my phosphates higher?
  3. W

    Phosphate leaching from carib sea life rock

    Hi all, recently set up my new tank using caribsea life rock and broken up established live rock. I currently have a phosphate reading of 0.24ppm. Could phosphate be leaching from the life rock? I’ve added around 70g of rowaphos but it doesn’t seem to be lowering. Thanks!
  4. G

    Red Sea Phosphate Pro Pipettes

    My cat chewed up the pipettes that comes with the Red Sea Phosphate pro test kit. Any idea how many ml of reagents A (13 drops) and reagent B (4 drops) should I add? Thanks in advance. And here is the suspect.
  5. M

    Highl phosphate!!!

    Hi all I’ve been having problems with my phosphate the past few weeks in my Fluval evo and I can’t seem to lower them at all I’ve done 30% water changes I’ve been running rowaphos in a filter bag in with my filter basket and in beside my return pump it was at a steady 0.25 since I’ve set the...
  6. W

    Hanna low range reagents used on Ultra low checker

    Hi all, I have an Ultra Low hanna phosphate checker but bought the incorrect reagent. Instead of getting the ultra low reagent I got the low range reagent by mistake. Do you know if you can still get an accurate reading using the low range reagents on the ultra low checker? Thanks!
  7. Clown2Fish

    Phosphate Test: Lighting Angle Impact on Accuracy

    Hi Reef2Reef Community , I recently used a phosphate test using an API kit and noticed different color readings based on lighting angles. The test was performed only once, but the angle of the light varied, resulting in two different colors for the same sample. Which lighting angle typically...
  8. Formulator

    Extremely high PO4 zero NO3

    As the title suggests, my phosphates seem to be out of control at 2.0 and I somehow have zero Nitrates. The tank was neglected for a couple years after my daughter was born and essentially went for 2 years with no water changes or detritus removal and very few times emptying the skimmate (it...
  9. T

    Newbie Phosphate/Feeding Question

    Hey All, I've got an 8 gallon AIO tank that has been running since August (started light stocking in October). Up until very recently, I've tested nitrates and phosphates at 0. Dry rock was used, plus I'd initially put some macroalgae in there so no big surprise there. I've been dosing...
  10. M

    Fluconazole with Phosphate remover

    Wassup reefers, I have been fighting against bryopsis algae, but I came across a question regarding the use of fluconazole together with phosphate remover. Could you tell me if there is any problem with this combination?
  11. poidog

    Hanna Checkers - ALK , Nitrate , Phosphate , Silica

    Hanna checkers $35 each shipped 1 Alk with new reagent 1 Alk with open reagent - $30 1 Phosphate with standard 1 Nitrate with new box of reagent 1 Silica See all tank break down equipment sales here:
  12. T

    Phos-Start trail blazers

    I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for new and better. Anybody else out there starting up a tank with a Phos-Start? I have been using it for a couple weeks now on a 20 gallon nano. The tank had already been going for about two months when I started using P-S. Phosphates are starting to come up I...
  13. jbonez_

    Parameter help

    Below is my chart of my parameters I have been documenting for the past month. I am struggling with nitrate levels. I am feeding twice a day with Brine/Mysis shrimp and doing lower percentage water changes. Also I believe I am having a Cyano outbreak right now? See video below. Should I be...
  14. Blakjax

    Hanna Phosphate Low Range Colorimeter HI713 - Fresh & Marine Water - $45

    I have Hanna Phosphate Low Range Colorimeter HI713 for Fresh & Marine Water for sale. This was only used a handful of times and includes the reagents. Add $5 for shipping.
  15. M

    GHA/Turf because of leaching rocks

    I have come to the conclusion that I think my two year battle with what is either gha or turf algae is because of leaching phosphates from the rocks. When I started the tank I used brand new macro rock and I have heard that it can leach phosphates that lead to algae. I have no algae anywhere but...
  16. jbonez_


    Hi all, I'm currently struggling with some parameter issues. I've attached at the bottom what my levels are as of this past Saturday and a video of my tank. Right now I'm slowly trying to raise my salinity by topping off with 1.026. My pH has be stable at 8 for about two months. My nitrate...
  17. T

    HIGH Phos and Nitrates (But everything is doing okay?!?)

    Set up my first reef tank in November and added my first corals a couple of weeks ago and everything is doing amazing! Everything opened up within hours if not minutes and even a blasto which came in pretty rough shape is now thriving. But when I went to test phosphates and nitrates they were...
  18. TheBirdsNest

    Algae, Nitrate and Phosphate issues!

    Hey all, Happy New Year! :star-struck: I'm really struggling with my tank and wondering if anyone has any advice as I keep seeing conflicting info online... My tank has been up for 5 months now, its a Reefer 250 with about 230L volume minus rocks.. I've got x6 Blue/Green Chromis, x2 Juvenile...
  19. J

    Sudden Phosphate Spike

    Hi everyone. I have a 30-gallon tank, with 6 fish, a few RFAs, and soft corals. My phosphates spiked this week, going from about 0.05 to 0.9 ppm on the Hanna checker! (They may have been higher, but that's as high as the checker goes.) A large water changed and some of the Brightwell...
  20. ReefAddict16


  21. eliaslikesfish

    Phosphate levels seem very high

    Hi all, I have a 40 gallon live rock only tank, have had it for about 4 months. I have 2 clowns, a midas blenny, and a fire shrimp. They all seem to be thriving, active and eating like champs. I’m hoping to add my first corals, I’m just a little concerned about my phosphate levels. My current...
  22. T

    Best one time use Phosphate Absorber

    Hi All, In short, I need to reduce my phosphates. I will being doing water changes now that I've fixed my RODI issue, but I am wondering what the best one time punch phosphate sponge is to speed up this process. Back story for those interested: Had a reefing blunder this past month that I am...
  23. J

    Nutrient Imbalance - High Nitrates undetectable phos!! Advice?

    Hi All, Looking for some advice on this issue if possible, Over the past 2 months my Nitrates have gone up as high as 90. I have tried a few things to counter this, Water changes, New filter floss media and Nopox. I have managed to get them down to 77 on the last test. Which as much as my...
  24. J

    Brown Stringy Algae. Dinos?

    Hi all, I have this brown stringy algae growing on my rocks and my sand. I’m having trouble determining if it’s just a brown stringy algae or dinos. As you can see it’s growing in and between corals, likely irritating them. I tested nutrients yesterday and Nitrates are 9 and phosphates are...
  25. R

    Can’t lower phosphates

    Hi , My tank is around 16 month old . I, for the life of me, cannot seem to reduce my phosphate I test bi-monthly with Hanna testers and the result is always 0.9 which I believe is the tester maxing out. All fish are okay however my corals seem to be struggling. I’ve had a full zoa garden seem...