
  1. ReforgeBlade

    Dry Rock in Quarantine

    Im putting together a full time 40 breeder to have as a quarantine for new fish and to treat any sick fish. So I’m curious to know how many people keep a full time hospital tank/ Quarantine tank and do you keep dry/ cycled rock in it. Or do you keep some sort of sponge filter to house the...
  2. C

    If I have Dinos in my Coral QT, is it worth battling?

    Setup my first coral QT about a two weeks ago now. I've had my DT running for 6 months now. But I haven't had any lights on the tank, since I haven't had any corals. So I didn't realize quite how quickly nuisance algae can tank over a tank. Especially one that is fresh and clean like a freshly...
  3. Mizu

    Converting Quarantine tank

    Hi everyone, Happy Memorial Day weekend! So I decided I'm going to set up a small quarantine tank, about 10 gallons and I have a few questions: 1. I have two BIO-bricks in my main tank (it's almost done cycling) , can I put those in my quarantine tank and the tank will skip the cycle? (I can...
  4. M

    Mysterious activity going on in my DT!!

    OK so long story short around March 9, 2024 I noticed my fish (2 clowns) breathing heavily and I didn't know what was going on. I bought at that time, a cardinal fish from my local fish store and thought maybe it was a disease brought by that new fish. It was weird because my two clown fishes...
  5. A

    Quarantined clownfish - Copper power and salifert?

    Hello guys. I'm a complete newbie to fishkeeping, despite having a group of 5 sexy shrimps for a while. I've got my pair of clownfish (4-5 cm) 3 days ago, and I did follow the protocol from humble fish. I started with drip acclimation in 45 minutes, followed by a 45-minute formalin bath which...
  6. L

    Lost 2 fish in qt not sure why

    Just looking for everyone’s opinion and feedback on what they think could have happened So I started a quarantine tank. 20 gallon long with a coralife 40gallon filter. I have the fter pad and some anommia remover pad in there. PVC and a 100w heater. I have not medicated any of the fish. I am...
  7. Tom nhia

    California Live Goods Quarantined Circus Goby (Priolepis nocturnus)

    Hey yall Had this guy for 2 months in QT, was planning on keeping him but got a flaming prawn goby that could fit in his mouth so not going to risk it It has been thru 2 week prazi and 5 week of copper safe. Eats everything, pellets and frozen Asking $90 plus shipping Doa policy: Three...
  8. C

    Looks like Aiptasia on coral frag in QT. Now what do I do?

    I got my first batch of coral frags on Tuesday. I dipped them using CoralRx put them on new frag plugs and put them in a QT tank. I noticed what looked like little white hairs or tentacles on the stony base/skeleton of one of the acan frags. I took some pictures to post to ask if this was normal...
  9. wvfeefkeeper80

    Quality Decline at LiveAquaria

    I started this hobby in 2020 and purchased a good deal of my livestock from LiveAquaria. I never received sick or infested items. Jump to 2024 and everything from fish to coral has arrived with disease or bad hitchhikers. My last two attempts at purchasing fish were ick riddled and died during...
  10. N

    Gem Tang quarantine question pest ID

    Hey guys, I’ve had this gem in copper QT for about two weeks. He’s eating great and has put on noticeable mass since. It is active all day and is even territorial when I linger in front of the tank. This is my first Gem so not sure if the spots on him are just natural coloration or if it...
  11. B

    wrasse QT question

    Hello everyone I recently purchased a bunch of wrasse to QT and place into my display tank. I put sand in the tank so that they have a place to sleep and not stress out too much along with some PVC. I will start copper power tomorrow or the following day once they’re all settled in. I know...
  12. sky414

    What’s wrong with my blue spot puffer?!?

    My new blue spot puffer has been in the quarantine tank for five days. This morning he had these three white spots on the right side of his belly. What is it? How can I treat it?
  13. Muffin87

    Foxface in QT - can't tell if it's doing OK

    This foxface has been in QT alone for about a week now. Coppersafe is at 2.20 ppm. He does move to eat whenever I feed it, but otherwise he's often lying at the bottom of the tank not moving around much. It occasionally picks at the bottom of the tank, I'm assuming it's trying to eat some...
  14. N

    New fish - different QTs vs new tank?

    So we have a brand new tank set up (and also bought an 10g QT). We want to start with a pair of clowns and maybe a goby (eventually?) The one fish we knowingly bought from a questionable fish shop (Nothing clean, fish looks okay - young). We only bought there because it was listed as (and...
  15. Z

    Worst fears… Ich!

    When I was feeding my clowns in my DT I had noticed some white spots or bumps on one of them. After a bit of research, it appears to be ich. I did manage to get a brand new 10g to QT both clowns have a sponge and hob filter (only added sponge in media basket) running for extra aeration. Temps...
  16. L

    Yellow wrasse questions and quarantining

    Hello everyone, I just set up a 75 gallon tank and currently have three pajama fish in there that seem to be doing good and eating fine. I also have a anthias in my quarantine tank that I will be adding within a week or two my local fish store has a really nice small yellow wrasse. That is very...
  17. L


    Hello All, I just set up a QT last night and added filter media from my main DT into the HOB filter on the QT tank I also dosed some live Bacteria. I had plans to get a fish soon but that fell through and I do not plan to use it until next week but would like to see how hard it is to keep it...
  18. static416

    Fish steadily dying in QT. Breathing heavily with no other symptoms

    I had an ich outbreak in my DT about 26 days ago, and yanked all of my fish out of the tank, moved into multiple QT tanks. I have way more fish than tanks, and some would kill each other, so they are split over 7 QT tanks of different sizes. I consistently treated all of the tanks with Copper...
  19. S

    Purple Tang with Ich, now has popeye or damage to eyes?

    Roughly 3 weeks ago I got this purple tang and I admit that I did give the fish ich by not thinking through placing a hang-on-back filter that I had running on a coral QT onto this tank. As soon as I noticed the ich, I raised my copper level in the tank to 2.30ppm using copper power and within a...
  20. J

    Need help on what to do with White spot disease

    Hello everyone, I am currently facing a dilemma on what to do with my tank as treatment action. About a month or more ich or ich alike disease appeared on my tank and took out some of the fish. I bought a quarantine tank and placed the fish that seem to be sick on copper for a month aprox...
  21. M

    Sick Clownfish Won’t Eat

    I have a pair of clowns who were acting so strange. I had them for 9 months now and i noticed they were swimming weird, breathing super fast, and they weren’t eating. Long story short I now have them in quarantine and added copper. They’re doing soooo much better. I am so relieved to see them...
  22. J

    Quarantine fish in Canada

    So far my 150 gallon has 2 clowns 1 royal gramma all captive bred. I want to add some wrasses but not sure how to quarantine them without medication. How long do I keep them in qt tank before moving into display tank? Is any medication available in Canada? Should I just observe them? Appreciate...
  23. KillaB

    Paracleanse treatment, fishes stopped eating

    Hello, I finished my quarantine for copper and nitrofurazone (2 weeks at 2.5ppm copper power) as per BRSTV videos. I am now at day 5 of Paracleanse (25mg/gallon of metronidazole and 7.5mg/gallon of Praziquantel) I want to preemptively remove Flukes from my fishes. I've read on Humblefish that...
  24. P

    New yellow coris wrasses keep dying

    I’ve recently purchased a yellow coris wrasse from marine collectors and followed their acclamation protocol and noticed that the fish was floating upside down and not moving much but I figured it was just stressed from shipping so I put it in my tank with my other fish which are all either from...
  25. J

    How do i read the salifert copper test properly?

    Tank is 6.3 gallons total AIO but prob filled 5.5 gallons and with water displacement from stuff in sump. Quarantining a fire fish. 2 days ago i added 0.5ml of cupramine measured with 1ml syringe and tested. Looked like it was around 0.25 to me. Yesterday i added 0.25ml and today added the...