New Marine X 110.4 Build


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While I’m not 100% “new” to the hobby, I’ve been tankless for about 6 years or so and finally decided to jump back in with a new tank. Previously, I had a couple different mixed LPS/Softie mixed reefs.

I decided to go with a Marine X 110.4 which just showed up 4 days ago and is up and running. Went with the basic “core” package from Marine X as I already had some other equipment still laying around and the AI Prime lights should work fine for quite a while with planning to run just LPS and softies again for at least a couple years.

Prior to setting the tank up, I had taken the majority of my old dried out and long dead live rock from my previous tanks along with about 40 lbs of new dry Marco rock and had it curing/cycling in a big bin for about a month. It was quite a long cycle that took foreeeevvvver to start dropping nitrite levels. Ammonia cleared up in about 2 weeks with the addition of Dr. Tims, but I’m assuming as the old dead rock was still full of organic that were breaking down, the old rocks were probably leaching out ammonia about as fast as the bacteria could convert it and kept nitrite pegged for quite a while before starting to convert to nitrates.

When I got the new tank set up and running, I did most of my aquascaping wet or at least partially wet to try and maintain as much of the bacteria in the rocks as possible, but I’m running another batch of Dr. Tims just to be safe. So far, it seems like things are mostly in tact as after dosing the tank to 2ppm ammonia on Friday afternoon, I’m already back to nearly 0 ammonia and just a slight haze of nitrite on the test.

I’ve got an order of a couple clowns, light clean up crew and copepods+phyto cued up for next week once I can confirm my cycle is in tact.

Super excited to be getting back into the hobby and can’t wait to start seeing some life in the tank.

Hope to share some photos of the journey and re-learn everything I’ve forgotten since my last venture into the hobby.



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Tank and stand look great. I have the same tank and ended up adding 2 additional AI Primes
Yea I’m wondering how long I’ll last with the 2, I’ve seen some that have added one of the AI Grow strips sitting across the top near the front of the tank also.


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Tanks been filled for about 10 days now, a couple clowns and a small CuC for about a week or so. Yesterday, I sourced a handful of coraline encrusted rocks with a few rhodactus on them to add some additional biome to the tank. (The mushrooms just happened to be on there, wasn’t necessarily pushing for coral, yet…) A couple of the snails I threw in a week or so ago had a few spots of coraline on them. This morning when the lights popped on I have 100% already got a few spots of coraline starting to pop up on my rocks! Since I had pre-cycled my rock in a bin, I just went right to a 6 hour lights on schedule for the first week the tank was set up to see if I would get any algae/cyano pop, but nothing happened. Bumped it up to an 8 hour schedule and I haven’t seen a single speck of any nuisance algae. I’ve done one 20% water change since the fish were added, measuring 5ppm or under on nitrate and under .25 on phosphate. (Need to upgrade my testing to a Hanna multimeter after the cheap API kit I had for cycling runs out) I tried posting a couple pictures of the coraline spots starting to pop up in various locations but can’t figure out how to insert a picture that is “too large” for the forum…

I’m pretty surprised by the lack of nuisance algae so far, I know it still may be coming. But in my past setups or tank moves, I’ve always had any white rock switch to brown within a matter of days if not hours when the lights come on.

Takeaway for me so far on this dive back in, if I ever set up another tank I’ll be taking the same route with starting way in advance on running a cycle through the rocks in a boring old bin well before setting up the tank.


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Got a photo to work, a handful of the coraline specks in a medium flow area that I noticed this morning.


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