RS DC skimmer help troubleshooting automatic restart issue


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I purchased a brand new RS DC skimmer 600 and noticed an issue where skimmer would restart. I could hear it turn off then back on instantly. I quickly figured out this was happening either every hour or two hours (I can set an alarm and go watch the issue occur). When the problem happens the pump and sensor LEDs will go then come back on. I tried some basic troubleshooting; power cycle the controller, hard reset of the controller then reconfigure, check for firmware updates. The restart does not show up in the RS app skim log. I've watched the app when the issue occurs and it still shows the pump running at the correct percent. I think the power cycle/restart happens too quick for the app to notice anything happening. There is no schedule configured on the app; skimmer is set to continuous operation.

None of this has resolved the issue so I reached out to RS Support, call out to Scott at RS who has been very responsive and helpful with trying to figure out this issue. RS has swapped out the controller, power supply, and the dc pump but the issue persists. RS was not able to replicate the issue with the controller I sent back. The also said they are not seeing anything from their end with the app cloud integration. The next suggestions they have are to swap out the 'T' power cable or try an AC pump. I'm hoping that other community members might have some other ideas on what to try. Below is list of troubleshooting I've tried so far.

- Replaced controller, power supply, and dc pump
- Hard reset through app and controller
- Moved power from smart energy monitoring outlet to wall outlet
- Turned off wifi/cellular on phone thinking some reboot/restart command might be coming from RS app
- Moving the dc pump from pump 1 connector to pump 2 connector on controller
- Turned off the sensor control functionality through the app
- Moved the overskim sensor to a completely dry location
- Tried multiple pump intensity settings

I'd appreciate any suggestions, thanks

Reefin' Alaska

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I realize you've moved from power strip to wall power, but have you ruled out some weird interference with the circuit itself? (Not even sure something like that is possible, and I'm no expert on electrical anything, but just trying to rule out a commonality you've not addressed by removing the electrical from the equation altogether.)

Other than that, the only other thing they haven't replaced are the sensors. I would start there. Just because you've moved it to a dry setting, doesn't mean the sensor hasn't failed entirely. I don't know how RS tests it's products when you send them back, but the fact they cannot replicate it says to me it's electrical, or the sensors, which is the 2 things they cannot replicate or didn't replace. Does that make sense?

In addition, I'm just going to assume the skimmer sensors use the same contact system of detection the Reefmat and RS ATO do - and I know I had a sensor issue on their ATO that has been fine since it was replaced, FWIW.
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I realize you've moved from power strip to wall power, but have you ruled out some weird interference with the circuit itself? (Not even sure something like that is possible, and I'm no expert on electrical anything, but just trying to rule out a commonality you've not addressed by removing the electrical from the equation altogether.)

Other than that, the only other thing they haven't replaced are the sensors. I would start there. Just because you've moved it to a dry setting, doesn't mean the sensor hasn't failed entirely. I don't know how RS tests it's products when you send them back, but the fact they cannot replicate it says to me it's electrical, or the sensors, which is the 2 things they cannot replicate or didn't replace. Does that make sense?

In addition, I'm just going to assume the skimmer sensors use the same contact system of detection the Reefmat and RS ATO do - and I know I had a sensor issue on their ATO that has been fine since it was replaced, FWIW.

You make a good point, I'll grab an extension cord and try completely different electrical circuit. I was thinking that this wouldn't be a sensor issue because I disabled the use of the sensor. I haven't tried disconnecting the sensor all together so that would also be something to try. I can also ask about replacing the sensor. Thank you for the suggestions.

Reefin' Alaska

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You make a good point, I'll grab an extension cord and try completely different electrical circuit. I was thinking that this wouldn't be a sensor issue because I disabled the use of the sensor. I haven't tried disconnecting the sensor all together so that would also be something to try. I can also ask about replacing the sensor. Thank you for the suggestions.

I would disconnect both sensors since if I'm not mistake there are 2, I thought anyway.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else. Good luck!


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I've tried the advice to try another electrical circuit. Same issue occurring. I've also disconnected sensor completely incase it was caused by the sensor.

Still open to any ideas how to resolve this.