
  1. Dani_13563

    5 Gallon Stocking???

    Hello Everyone! I am an absolutely beginner with zero hands-on experience in saltwater. I have been researching the saltwater hobby for a little over a year now and I just have a couple of questions. I would like to start a 5.5 gallon nano (pico?) tank (just the basic one from petsmart). I have...
  2. Volv

    Too much water movement for my gobies?

    Hello, So I'm really confused aboud flow now. I've read everywhere that it's very necessary in a reef tank and it should be strong, etc etc. Now, I decided to move everything on from my 10 gal nano and make properly equipped 30 gal. I got Tunze nano skimmer on the right back, along with 50watt...
  3. MariahP

    Will captive bred watchman pair with shrimp?

    Hi all, I have my heart set on trying to do all captive bred fish for my aquarium. I’d like to get a watchman goby but so far it seems like there are no captive bred pistol shrimp to pair them with. Will a captive bred watchman pair with a wild shrimp? Thinking in particular of how some...
  4. Kiboshed

    Gobies, Blennies, and Dartfish OH MY! (32 gallon stocking Question)

    So restarting my 32 gallon Biocube after a move and am thinking of housing a: Upper Water column/open swimmer: Scissortail Dartfish OR Harptail Blenny OR Smith's Blenny with a Middle water column/rocks: Firefish and a Lower water column/bottom: Tail Spot Blenny OR Linear Blenny. My...
  5. marcosnano

    Are there any gobies that can help me out with amphipods in nano tank?

    Hello, I have a nano tank with pair of clowns but recentyl I had an outbreak of amphipods, which are getting bigger in population and size. I know they are nothing to worry about but there is a lot of them crawling and it is not a nice scene and I'm afraid they are messing with my corals...
  6. P

    Favorite gobies for 65 gallon reef?

    Hi all, I’m new here and about a year away from my first tank. I’m looking at a Waterbox 65.4 AIO. I’m doing a ton of research, but I’ve kind of fallen in love with a tank that has mostly small and peaceful fish. I really like the goofy and pretty look of gobies. I’m also interested in having...
  7. H

    Firefish and goby

    I've had a couple of firefish who built a home under the live rocks. Just introduced a diamond goby who quickly went into their home and started digging. Will they both get along or will this be a problem?
  8. tcarstens4

    Stocking Advice for 2 75 gallon tanks

    So I am seeking some advice on fish we can have in both our 75 gallon tanks(180g total), these tanks are plumbed together attached are two images of said tanks, with the aquascapes in them, my fiancé would like to decide all the fish that goes into the left hand side tank that currently has a...
  9. nsauer3

    What is the max number of Gobies?

    What is max number of gobies for a 180 gallon tank? Is there even a max number or can I have as many as possible that would fit in the tank?
  10. wonderphil-reef

    Love my gold spotted gobies but god they make a mess

    So I love my gold spotted gobies, but dam, they make a mess of the tank, yesterday and today, they have moved all the sand in the corn of my tank and 3 inches deep by about 5 inches wide.
  11. Lin0826

    EMERGENCY goby bacterial infection?

    I haven’t seen him come out of the rock to eat for three days, so I lift the live rock up and found him and a firefish with nipped fins, only those two other two gobies has nothing. Can someone identify if he has bacterial infection or can he recover on his own?
  12. ChristinasCoralCabin

    New to seahorses

    I have 150 gallon tank I set up a year ago for soft corals and a mandarin goby. 2 weeks ago I added 4 seahorses and a fire goby. They don’t do much, so I would like to add more fish but would love suggestions first. I’m new to seahorses, is 4 enough? They seem super social with each other. I...
  13. Solga

    Build Thread 40B Journey

    Literal copy and paste from the new members section, (Thanks for the link @Peace River !) Ok, this is going to be the page that I dedicate to getting my saltwater aquarium up and going. I did post this on another site, but will be updating both, so if this needs to be posted somewhere else...
  14. Tom nhia

    Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts

    This thread is for the general discussion of the classified ad Uncommon Nano Gobies and Inverts. For more information about this item, please click the link or ask a question in this thread. Please add to the discussion here.
  15. O

    Yellow watchman goby staying near the surface

    Bought a yellow watchman goby a day ago, today it swam around the tank unlike the behaviour that i have read that it likes to stay in a cave/burrow, currently night time here, in goby is currently the surface of the water near the water intake into the "sump" of the tank (aio) , should i be...
  16. K

    New fish recommendations for my 320 gallon reef?

    I am ready to add some more fish to my reef. It has been running since September of 2019, but after losing my SPS corals, I am doing a reboot. I reworked some of the aquascape to be more open for better flow. My current fish are one Sailfin Tang, one Chocolate Tang, one Foxface, one...
  17. F

    Neon goby breeding signs?

    Hello! I have an established saltwater tank with a neon blue goby I’ve had for probably 4-6 months now. I got a neon orange goby today (it’s a 30 gallon with plenty of live rock so I thought they would have room to get away from each other), and while feeding I noticed they were staying close to...
  18. CreatiVe2

    Gobes and the Clam

    Just figured I would throw this funny picture out there, there is a pistol shrimp on the other side of my tank that this guy bonded with, then peaced out ✌️ because the den was too small. Ever since then he has paired with this clam. He Hangs out on it all day, and defends when fish come close...
  19. LAA

    Best gobies/Blennies/dragonets

    Hello! I was wondering what the best sand sifting gobies/blennies/dragonets would be for a 20 gallon long reef tank. I currently have a pair of clowns, pep shrimp, snails, and saltwater mollies. thanks in advance! :D
  20. V

    Two Yellow Gobies in Nano tank

    Hi, I recently added two yellow gobies to my nano tank (63 litres). They started fine but after couple of days the larger one claimed the rock and chases the smaller one, whenever it gets near it! I don’t think the smaller one has suffered any injuries yet but it ends up staying at the top...
  21. Hoshiaki

    Where to find Masked Gobies?

    I live in IL, USA and have been looking around for a masked goby. Does anyone know trusted websites that ship them out or pet stores that usually have them available?
  22. Schraufabagel

    Different gobies in one tank?

    I have a 25 gallon tank. Can gobies of different families be kept together? Specifically I’m referring to clown gobies and watchman/spotted orange gobies. One sits in the sand bed and one perched on the rock work
  23. Lana

    AIO Build Fluval evo dwarf seahorses and gobies

    Hi, I decided to finally set up my dream dwarf seahorse tank. Along the way I've gained a love and collection of gobies/blennies. I currently have a 2 eyed, manderine, yellow jaw, spotted, and fire blenny along with 4 female 3 male dwarf seahorses, one pregnant. The tank is highly seeded with...
  24. L

    Acclimating mollies and other fish to saltwater

    Does anyone have any tips to acclimate mollies and guppies to saltwater? I also have a question if I could acclimate other fish to saltwater. I was thinking bumblebee gobies and knight gobies. My tank is a 20gallon so nano fish only!
  25. Muffin87

    How essential is sand to these three gobies?

    Hello, I'm in the process of stocking my 50G bare bottom. I was thinking of adding one or more of these three gobies, depending of their availability. I hear they're pretty tolerant of each other. Pinkbar goby (Amblyeleotris Aurora) - [located] Orange Stripe Prawn Goby (Amblyeleotris Randalli)...