
  1. K

    EMERGENCY Scotts fairy wrasse

    Does everyone think this is ich? Got this Scott’s fairy two days ago and sitting in my QT. Eating fine on a combination of frozen blood worms, mysis with garlic and brine. I dosed copper a few hours ago.
  2. A

    Blue tang scratching against rocks even after 2 weeks copper

    I’m hoping you’ll can help me diagnose what my blue tang has. These are new fish I added a month ago. I know I should have QT them first. But either way I had pulled all my first 2 weeks ago from my DT after my sailfin was showing signs of ich/velvet. I immediate got them into QT and dosed...
  3. O

    Is this velvet, ich ,flukes, fin rot

    Hello i am new to the saltwater hobby i have had my tank for 6 months and i have just noticed today one of my clownfishes dead I am trying to figure out if this is velvet, ich ,flukes, fin rot , or something else. All my water parameters are good i have no aggressive fish
  4. O

    Is this Velvet, ich, flukes, fin rot?

    Hello i am new to the saltwater hobby i have had my tank for 6 months and i have just noticed today one of my clownfishes dead I am trying to figure out if this is velvet, ich ,flukes, fin rot , or something else. All my water parameters are good i have no aggressive fish
  5. R

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich on my tang?

    Hi reefers, recently discovered that my purple tang is covered with white spots. It looks very like ich, but the spot is much larger and some of them are peeling off from the skin (still attached, looks like the skin is peeled off). It still eats, and looks fine.
  6. K

    EMERGENCY Ich or velvet? What to do?

    Hi All, My purple tang and lipstick tang got white spots. However this is my first time with disease on any of my fish so I’m not sure whether this is ich or velvet or something else? It started around week and a half ago. First I’ve turned on UV light and I feel like it helped slightly for a...
  7. sky414

    What’s wrong with my blue spot puffer?!?

    My new blue spot puffer has been in the quarantine tank for five days. This morning he had these three white spots on the right side of his belly. What is it? How can I treat it?
  8. A

    Tank upgrade - going fallow when setup is running?

    Hi guys, My new cade 1200 is nearly up and running. Relatively new to the hobby, started up a waterbox 20 last year, about 2 months ago introduced a new clown that i suspect had ich, with my royal gramma and firefish and other clown brushing up against rocks and a few spots (3-4). Don’t want to...
  9. O

    Day 4 Treating Blue Tang with Cupramine but he's still scratching his body

    My blue tang got ich and initially he was laying down all the time but after 2 days with cupramine he's swimming around and eating like a pig. The only problem is he's still scratching his body. My current copper level is at 0.5mg/L - 0.6mg/L. I test for copper everyday with Seachem Copper...
  10. T

    Ich woes, weighing my options before going full nuclear. Any help appreciated

    TLDR-is this ich? How screwed am I? Logistical nightmares ahead So the dreaded day has come.. I’m pretty sure this is Ich (tried to get a natural light photo during daylight. Pardon the blues in the video, that was taken this evening during low blue moonlight) Some context, so I have a heavily...
  11. O

    First time treating my fish with Cupramine. Anyone is following the recommended dosage?

    Is the recommended dosage for Cupramine is sufficient or too much for the fish. I'm following the guidelines given to me by Seachem Cupramine. Tested at 0.5mg/L I bought a blue eye kole tang and placed it in my quarantine tank (with 1 clownfish and a blue tang for 5 days) Everything was fine...
  12. derek12261984

    New tank/new clownfish Brooklynella

    Hi all, this is my first post here after setting up my first saltwater tank. Just put these two into my tank on Sunday. They are the first fish in the tank after a month of cycling. I did notice the larger of the two has these white looking dots. I’m not sure if that is just coloration or...
  13. Z

    Worst fears… Ich!

    When I was feeding my clowns in my DT I had noticed some white spots or bumps on one of them. After a bit of research, it appears to be ich. I did manage to get a brand new 10g to QT both clowns have a sponge and hob filter (only added sponge in media basket) running for extra aeration. Temps...
  14. SCH14

    Velvet or Ich???

    Hey everyone, Just went 90 days fallow after having velvet. After the 90 days was up I put my Achilles tang in an acclimation box for a few days was all good - has been in tank for 3 weeks no issues. Added a blue hippo, purple and yellow 2 days ago all after 40 days of copper power 2.40+...
  15. stormrage717

    Powder Brown Tang - emergency bumps on body

    I have powder brown tang that developed what it appears is under surface bumps throughout his body. See pics. Eating: He was never an aggressive eater, he kind of waits and gets the smaller pieces that fall down. He never goes straight for the Nori, but rather gets pieces out of the water...
  16. L

    EMERGENCY Ich on fox face?

    Suspected area near spot. Should I take out coral and inverts and dose whole tank to avoid outbreak? Or are there any other medications that work and are safe with coral and inverts?
  17. S

    Purple Tang with Ich, now has popeye or damage to eyes?

    Roughly 3 weeks ago I got this purple tang and I admit that I did give the fish ich by not thinking through placing a hang-on-back filter that I had running on a coral QT onto this tank. As soon as I noticed the ich, I raised my copper level in the tank to 2.30ppm using copper power and within a...
  18. J

    Need help on what to do with White spot disease

    Hello everyone, I am currently facing a dilemma on what to do with my tank as treatment action. About a month or more ich or ich alike disease appeared on my tank and took out some of the fish. I bought a quarantine tank and placed the fish that seem to be sick on copper for a month aprox...
  19. Chela101

    IS THIS ICH!!!!!

    Hello, so I recently got my box spine puffer fish and I noticed some small white dots on my fish. Barely starting and just on his fins. I have screenshots of a video that I took so you guys can see it
  20. LBA

    ID Please - Clownfish

    In all my years in the aquarium world, I've never struggled with fish disease like I am right now. I'm in unfamiliar territory right now. My display tank has what I believe is a bad case of Ich. It's been coming and going over weeks. I thought it was reducing but came back with a vengeance...
  21. B

    Cinnamon clown with spots during copper treatment

    Hello everyone my fish have all been in QT with copper power 2.35-2.50 ppm and nitrofurazone for the last 31 days. Since I had an ich on my purple tang so took everyone out. Currently in the process of setting up a new 125 gallon for everyone. I’m pretty sure copper never dropped below...
  22. A

    Are these white spots something to worry about??

    Hi all, I'm new to saltwater fish keeping. I've noticed my Royal Gramma has some white spots on him. You can see them on the tail in the picture but he also has some on his head too. If it is Ich, what treatments can I do? A QT tank isn't an option as I don't have the space for it or the...
  23. Mochlate

    New Hobbyist: ich diagnosis confirmation

    This little guy has had some lighter patches of funk on his skin for a few days which you can still see, but today I am noticing this much more pronounced white spot. I'm guessing this is Ich based on what I have seen online but I am fairly new so I'm not sure. Any diagnostic input from more...
  24. M

    Velvet Outbreak? Need Advice Please!

    Hey all! I recently noticed my anthias and white tail bristletooth tang have a bunch of white spots or almost like a white film on them. Im not sure how this even happened as I have purchased all of my fish from TSM Aquatics (quarantined) and have not introduced a new fish in over 6 months. I...
  25. M

    First time Blur Tang and I need your help!

    Hello, last week I purchased a blue tang and at the time of purchase, there was nothing wrong with it. Today, I noticed that it appears to have white spots on its body. However, I'm not entirely certain. When viewed from a specific angle, it seems like there are spots, but from another angle, it...