
  1. cgdcinc

    Hello reefers!

    My name is Christopher and I have my first reef tank that has been running since June 2016. I have five aquariums and this is my first reef tank. My others are freshwater community and Mbuna cichlid tanks. My reef tank is a 29 gallon with 40 pounds of what started as dry rock. No sump. Skimmer...
  2. Khackman

    Acronyms are killing my tank!

    Well, sort of. As an example, I'm assuming BTA is an acronym for Bubble-tipped Anemone? I am trying desperately to learn more from this site in order to become a better reefer, but I keep reading posts and comments with acronyms that aren't in the typical dictionary for me to look them up to...
  3. Adam113

    Build Thread Newbie Biocube 29 Build

    Hello everyone, I am pretty much brand new to the hobby. Here is my thread from when I first got my tank started up. So, here's my story... My dad was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago. We got this 29 gallon Biocube for him for...
  4. SBlisters

    Candy Coral: "I'm meeeellltinggg..."

    I'm too new to coral to really know what things should be doing, or what is alarming vs normal. My candy cane coral is looking very strange. There are some bare spots. Part of it looks like it's melting?!
  5. rodrigo123

    Build Thread Small 5 gallon Nano tank at work

    Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  6. Jay_M

    New to R2R, 5 Years in the hobby.

    Hello All, I thought it time to pay my dues on the meet and greet forum. I joined R2R last Tuesday and have been poking around daily since. First off, my name is Jay and I'm from North Carolina. To be clear, I am not a master chemist, nor am I a master biologist, I am just a guy that has...
  7. Z

    New to saltwater aquariums. Advice needed.

    So I've been thinking of getting a saltwater reef tank for quite some time. Today I came across a post on a 55 gallon cube saltwater tank that comes with everything, even a clownfish. Only problem I have is how I would move everything, tank, live rock and sand, fish, etc. When I get to my house...
  8. L

    Live Rock ?s

    I am new to the hobby and I feel I was lucky and got some live rock with plants on what is the best for my rock with plants on it away from current and closer to light or close to current and away from light? I have 50lbs of rock in my 29Gallon tank and feel there isn't much room else in...
  9. Maven

    New 60 cube build

    Tank has been up and running 8 months now. Switched over from a 55 long with a canister. The sump has made life a million times easier. Currently have a sailfin tang, yellow wrasse, 3 bar gobi especially, lawnmower blenny and a mandarin. Adding clown pair this week more pictures to come. Been in...
  10. Sharkbate

    Hello from a fellow reefer

    Hello All I'm Paul , probably considered a rookie, only been in the hobby for 18 months , read loads learned loads. I keep two nano systems one a mixed reef custom tank picture frame style the other a more recent Anemone concentrated tank both doing very well and very please with the two.I live...