
  1. ReefStash

    Act fast when SPS shows signs of decline!

    In reefing you sometimes need to act fast! I moved this Miami Orchid SPS coral colony higher on the reef the other day and unfortunately it did not like that move at all! By the morning it was turning white (dying) from the base up. ☠️ I believe it to be RTN (rapid tissue necrosis). As soon...
  2. FishguyJosh

    Super glue causing STN?

    Hey fellow reefers so I've noticed something strange which is my red Monti Digitata is growing very well on the tips but at the base it is not encrusting at all and in fact the tissue is wearing away a little bit. I'm wondering if this is because of the gel super glue or might something else be...
  3. M

    Acropora bleaching, help

    Sorry for the long post, I just want to give everyone as much info as possible: 3 weeks ago I bought 7 acropora frags, they all seemed healthy and were bought from a local sps guy who is pretty knowledgeable. I dipped them all in coralRX and rinsed them in saltwater before gluing them to the...
  4. jduong916

    Oxolinic Acid

    Does anyone know what the in tank treatment instructions are for oxolinic acid?
  5. D

    Montipora stn? Or something else?

    About 2 weeks ago I moved all of my corals from my 20 long to my new 50 gallon system. Parameters were the sam and I adjusted the lights to the same par value the corals were used to in the old system. I had noticed over the past week that my orange monticap has been losing tissue a little bit...
  6. NewCaliCaptives


    I’m having some really weird stn issues going in in my tank. It’s a 10 gallon and has been going good for a couple weeks i’ve been having some really bad tissue loss on some sps and some lps that i have no idea what it is or what to do to treat. 1.025 sg P04 0.00 (hanna phosphate ULR) NO3 8.0...
  7. blue-thumb

    Large Build Crash > STN

    Recently, I transitioned a fairly healthy 200g SPS dominant system to a new 340g system. The previous system was stable. Before I broke it down the 200g system, I had started to see some occasional coral mortalities in my frag tank. The new system is 4 months old. Over the 3-4 four weeks...
  8. Fauna Marin Support

    Cyano, Dino, RTN... if nothing helps: The GERMAN SOLUTION by Fauna Marin (X-SERIES) - New english Fauna Marin Video on YouTube!

    Struggeling with Cyanos, Dinos or RTN? Watch this new english video from Fauna Marin: More information:
  9. O

    SPS white lines

    Hey guys over the last three weeks my encrusting and happy Bill Murray SPS has been suffering from what I can only guess is STN. I’ve had RTN years ago, but this is completely different. It started with the backside becoming white but leaving the tips still colored, if that makes sense. Over...
  10. Acrofiend

    Does anyone else have issues carbon dosing?

    Hi all. I have a year and a half old system acro dominant system that’s been growing okay not so much thriving. It seems every time I attempt carbon dosing I start getting stn on some acros. This is with one drop (~1/5 recommended dose) of tropic marin bacto balance. This is probably the fifth...
  11. pandaparties

    Sticks dying top down

    Tips on a lot of my acros have turned white and seem to be spreading down, some have started growing algae on the tips. Could use some ideas and insight. Alk 8.2-8.4 Ph 8.3-8.4 Calc 550 Mag 1400 Nitrates consistently 7-8 Phosphates swing a bit but typically .1-.2 Temp 77.5-78 Par 250-300 (5...
  12. guppyexpress

    Red Sea Reef Energy Plus (AB+) Bleached my coral!

    I dont know if this has happened to anyone else. But let me start the story I started dosing my tank with AB+ yesterday, After watching several videos showing how, and talking to several people who have used it, I went out bought some AB+. followed the dosing amount and how to dose to a T and...
  13. TheNewGuy321

    EMERGENCY Dose ChemiClean help with STN

    So i've had STN come and go and come back again over a six month period. Im like 90% sure it bad bacteria because the only swings I've had was an ALK. drop -0.7 one day and left ATO off another day and Sal. went up to 1.026.5. my tank is full of frags and its only effecting my birdsnest: STN...
  14. ocncheffy

    Why was an Alkalinity of 8 too high?

    So I've been fighting with some burnt tips/STN on my SPS with the following parameters: Alk - 8.1 Calcium - 450 Phosphate - .1 Nitrate - 10 Mag - 1400 I understand that low nutrients of near 0 can cause burnt tips/STN in SPS, but I would have never thought that the levels posted above were...
  15. M

    Struggling with SPS w Pics

    I have had my tank going for about 1.5 years. Over the last year, I would occasionally introduce an SPS birds nest frag, Montipora Digi or similar "hardy" SPS but so far without success. I have mostly LPS that all do great but any SPS frags, just never seem to make it more than a month. The...
  16. SEPDXReef

    Acropora Bleaching / STN and Mixed Reef Coral Warfare

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to share my experience with a mixed reef and acropora bleaching / STN. I have been running my Waterbox Reef 70.2 (65 gallon system) for about 9 months at the time of writing this post and I have lost my fair share of acropora in that time. At first I chalked it up to...
  17. MarshallB

    Fluconazole and corals

    Good afternoon all, I've looked around at all the threads related to this, but it looks like its been some time since the last discussion. Has anyone had any coral loss treating your tank with Fluconazole? If you have used it with success, how long did you use it? Did you have any elevated...
  18. BurtMacklin

    Is this STN? Acropora

    I put several new corals in my 9 month old 65 Gallon tank 2 weeks ago. The softies, LPS, and one SPS (montipora) are doing well, but one acro is losing color and the other acro which arrived brown looks like it is bleaching at the base. Should I apply super glue? I'm worried it's too small to...
  19. Reef_Crasher

    Acropora showing small spots of skeleton, STN?

    A bit over a month ago I got my first Acropora (booberry) frag and it was doing pretty well in my Nuvo 20 for the first three weeks. Though in the past several days, first noticed Oct 7th, this frag started showing spots of skeleton at the tips of the Corallites. The day before I do recall...
  20. Adam1985

    Starry Blenny Decimating SPS Reef

    Hi everyone. You may think what you’re about to read is crazy or a joke. Just hear me out and then let me know what you think. One week ago I added a starry blenny to my mixed reef (took me 3 months to find one locally). Main purpose was for him to eat some random GHA. Not a big issue, just...
  21. BTimms

    Is this STN?

    Is this stn or tissue die off due to shading? It seems to be bleaching very slowely. Over the last few months. Could it be due to how those spots are now shaded due to placement? Thanks all,
  22. Timich

    Recovering/saving sps from STN

    Is there a way to stop/recover sps from STN? Got a stylo for like a month now, started to STN several days ago. Did my research, but wanted to know your guys opinions. Did couple extra water changes and AB+. Any suggestions?
  23. L

    Stn from the base or bites?

    Hello I recently detected some acroporas with blenching from the base Colud you identify if it are stn or maybe someone is eating my corals? alk:7.3 Mg: 1250 Ca:500 pO4: .17
  24. RunStopRestore

    Microbes and tissue degradation in SPS - possible solutions?

    SPS tissue degradation and loss, whether its slow (STN) or fast (RTN) or associated with a brown gelatinous mass (BJS) are probably one of the more or even most frequently discussed topics here. A particular emphasis is given on the „help“ requests describing the fast peeling and patchy loss of...
  25. plankton

    I’ve discovered how to identify stressed or sensitive SPS

    So, I’ve determined through thoughtful negligence of not testing phosphates regularly that if you up your carbon dosing scheme you can identity which corals are already stressed or just sensitive because they will RTN like crazy! cool ... not After noticing that first montipora polyps would...