tank build

  1. M

    Tank Build - IM 75 EXT

    Hi All, I’m setting up a IM 75EXT for mix reef use after 10 years out of the hobby. Thought I would start this thread to share the build and get advice/feedback as I go along. I spent some time modifying the the plumbing kit to (1) allow for offsetting the sump in the stand to make room for...
  2. rhpmiller

    What Lights for New Setup With Nyos Opus 300?

    I'm about to begin setup of my Nyos Opus G2 300 (36"L x 22"W x 21"H) and wanted to get some advice on lighting setup for the tank... I'm upgrading from a 20g Red Sea Max Nano mixed reef setup that used the Red Sea LED 90--fine, but want better spread and less hot spots--and plan on having an...
  3. Bradley Gluckman

    Fluval 13.5

    my first salt water build! 13.5 fluval 1 white lighting maroon clown 1 green bar goby 2 yellowtail damsel
  4. nycfreshreef

    Nuvo im 40 build fully stocked 10 months in nycfreshreef

    Just wanted to share my recent set up after taking a very long 15 year break from aquariums Been running close to 10 months now everything seems very happy and is growing (everything except amazeballs) currently on my 3rd frag , keeps closing after few months while a dozen + other Goni do fine...
  5. Gk5321

    Build Thread Fluval Flex 9 Build

    I set up this tank as a bit of a gesture to myself for doing well on the LSAT a few years ago. Since then, it’s survived 3 moves, many crashes, and a switch out of law school and back to my old career. To say the least, it’s kept my mind straight through some rough times. It’s just a bit over...
  6. O

    Build Thread LEGO Themed 125 Gallon Aquarium Build

    Hello fellow hobbyists! I am planning on creating a 125 gallon LEGO themed reef tank. I currently have a 72 gallon bowfront tank with some equipment and a number of LEGO figurines, LEGO sharks, and a LEGO submarine which I plan on transferring to the new tank I bought. I will transfer over the...
  7. Wasteoftime247

    My first attempt at placing rocks in my first tank. What do I need to fix?

    So here is my first attempt at placing rock. I plan on using this as a mixed reef tank. What do you all think I need to fix? I haven't glued anything together yet and I still have a full box of arches. I want to make sure I have lots of places for fish to hide but still be able to see them. Do...
  8. A

    Reefer 350 Build

    Ok so i bought a 3 year old Reefer 350 off market place. Ive decided on a Red Sea Skimmer 300, I went with the Neptune COR 20 pump. I currently have approx 70 lbs of live rock soaking in bleach. And 40 pounds of live sand waiting. I set up my RO/DI System. My biggest question is lighting...
  9. KBlue

    Aquascape, stacked or glued? Need suggestions.

    Building a mixed reef tank and I just picked up 110lbs of rock/coral and I’m not sure what road to take for the aquascape. Stack it or glue it. What would you do if you had this to work with? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  10. queenoftheflowzonelair

    Build Thread "Flow Zone Lair" Build (New Reefer)

    Hi fellow aquarists! In September I purchased my first tank, 15gal, intended for clownfish. I purchased Aqueon's frameless aquarium, tested for leaks and originally set it up with Pacific Ocean Water. Using classic gravel and the QuietFlow20 I had initial issues with ammonia while I waited for...
  11. I

    Build Thread Nate’s 5 Gallon Pico Build

    Hello all, as someone who has been a lurker for a minute, thought I’d begin a build thread for my current project, a 5 gallon pico tank. It’s currently cycling, but here are some of the current details. Tank: Marine land 5 gallon - loved the height as I could put it on my desk and I would be...
  12. Clowny1221

    The most “Natural” Reef tank

    Hello I wanted to ask people here about building a all natural reef tank that would be fully elevated. What kind of lighting would be the best for mimicking the natural sunlight of the ocean, specifically the GBR? Also, what lighting would be possible to match the colours of blue when you dive...
  13. M

    Nano Build McGster's Red Sea Reefer 200XL Build

    I guess this is round 2 of rekindling my passion in the hobby after almost 10 years without a tank. After a failed attempt to revive an old Oceanic Biocube which leaked and was beyond repair i ordered a Red Sea Reefer 200XL. Ordering a system like this is a big departure for me as prior to...
  14. dmbohn468

    Just showing off my tank. Month 2 - Fluval Evo 13.5

    Just showing off my tank. Hope this could belong here... if not let me know. My friend wanted a video to show his kid so figured why not post it here, too? Here's what I have running: -Fluval 13.5, stock filtration, stock lighting -Have a laser cut media basket, haven't used it yet. waiting...
  15. fishrambo

    Large Build Help with tank support for floor.

    Im looking to upgrade from 75 with sump to a larger red sea 500 132 gallon but my problem is i dunno where to start on how to support my floor. Do i just support it by bracing with more wood and install jacks? any ideals would be grateful thanks so much.
  16. B

    Build Thread First saltwater aquarium (it was hell!)

    Started off with months of research. Came to a conclusion that I wanted a 90 gallon tank with eventually having a mixed Reef and a very specific set of livestock that has of course changed over the course of setting up the tank. I went in knowing NOTHING except that I knew I wanted to be a...
  17. OfficeReefer

    Build Thread OfficeReefer's Study Tank - Reefer 250 v3 Build

    Hello R2R, I see a lot of folks writing about their builds now, so I will share some details below. I've been in the hobby for over 15 years now. My interest all started with an investor of mine that had an impressive 120g on display at his office. At the time, I started with a 55g without...
  18. ForTheLoveOfCoral21

    AIO Build Help Me Pick My New Tank Build

    Hi R2R! I have been doing a lot of research the past few weeks and am looking for some input. I have it down to a few different options. Red Sea - AIO or one with the Sump Innovative Marine - 50 AIO Lagoon Also looking at the Reef Octo Tank systems and potentially Waterbox as well. I have...
  19. P

    Nano Build 6.6 Gallon Nano Reef

    Well, after starting over 2 months ago, I figure I ought to start an official tank thread so that I can post updates and others can follow along on this journey. I posted in the welcome page about 1 month ago, but I’ll provide a few tank specs so that you can follow along. I have a rimless...
  20. BaraCats

    Build Thread 66G Soft Coral Dominant Tank

    My partner and I are currently building our second reef tank and we've decided to go for a soft-coral dominated tank with some LPS in there. Our current tank, a smaller 100L/26Gal, is mostly a zoa garden tank with a couple LPS and a few other softies in between. With this new set-up we...
  21. T

    Reefer S-1000 new reef build

    Hello all, Pretty new to this site but it has been such a wonderful resource, thank you all very much. I am upgrading my current 50g tank to a Red Sea Reefer 210g S-1000. If you have one please let me know your opinions about them. Tank should be delivered here within the next couple of weeks...
  22. JacksReef2Reef

    Build Thread C-Vue 45 Gallon All-In-One Aquarium

    I just picked up this Cobalt Aquatics C-Vue 45 gallon AIO display and stand. The plan is to start cycling the tank and then slowly add fish and corals. Over the next few weeks, water parameters will be monitored and this gives us time to decide on what equipment we will add to the tank. The...
  23. C

    Build Thread Cincy_Reefer's Waterbox Marine X 90.3 Build

    6 days ago my Waterbox Marine X 90.3 was delivered to me, it's for my bedroom/home office. It was a cold January morning and when I asked the delivery driver if it was a heavy skid... he kind of chuckled. Thankfully I have a roommate who was willing to help me carry the equipment up to our...
  24. D

    Build Thread Ds Reef 6ft 60 Gallon Lagoon

    My Build 72”x18”x8” 60 Gallon Lagoon 5 Radion Gen 5 XR-15 Blues 6ft Aquaticlife T5 Hybrid Custom Built Stand 30 Gallon Sump Bubble Magus Curve 7 Skimmer Avast Marine Kalk Stirrer Geo Dual Chamber Calcium Reactor BRS Reactor for Carbon Neptune Apex, ATK, Trident
  25. RummynoseToReef

    Build Thread RummynoseToReef's 1st Reef Tank

    Hi all! Welcome to the build thread for my 40B tank, my first foray into the saltwater hobby. I don't plan to really begin the build until mid-January due to a vacation (to Costa Rica, if anyone has any activity suggestions?!) but I thought it would be best to document everything, in the event...