Maroun.c 400 G build thread



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Feb 13, 2011
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Further to the RT island scape change I still had a few corals that:
-Never colored up as they should.
-were somehow wrongly positioned despite my attention to positioning when I initially added the frags. or they simply grew different than I wanted and were hiding other nicer corals that went behind them.
This is a decision that I was trying to avoid at all cost but with the changes on rt island scape which now required months for the tank to look mature again I decided to go ahead and work mostly on the middle island as it was bothering me most.
Here are some shots at an oblique angle to show how corals were hiding ones behind them from view.


A certain degree of coral hiding each other is of course to be expected, unfortunately in this case it was too much.

middle island closeup

after removing the first coral (view on corals was already much better) this was the wwc tricolor valida which grew way too vertical weirdly and also wasn't looking great lately. I'll replace with a small frag in same position most likely but make sure to trim better as it grows .


I then removed the poccis in the back which were huge and just boulder shaped so not adding much to the color or shape of the tank. also removed the ORA green birdnest which was hiding some very nice corals behind it ( this was a very tough call) I reseeded a frag in the back of the scape where it'll have enough space to grow without hiding other corals) later on I also removed the baby Blue stag in the back as it looked disproportionate with corals on same island and it also never colored up to the since blue it was. I restarted a new frag of it in same position to see how it goes. I also was about to remove the Red robin on the side as it never showed any hint of red. but that day I looked close and could see a bit of red on the new growth which gave it a few more weeks in the tank to see how it goes.
here's the last pics I have of the tank (blue stag was still there when those were taken)


and how the tank looked after the cleanup. its sad to now have to wait a year at least for a more full look but I'm positive the new growth shape will be more to my liking and I'll also work on a few nicer corals to add for more colors. I'm lucky to not have to see the tank daily for coming period which hopefully will minimize the eyesore.



Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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Further to the RT island scape change I still had a few corals that:
-Never colored up as they should.
-were somehow wrongly positioned despite my attention to positioning when I initially added the frags. or they simply grew different than I wanted and were hiding other nicer corals that went behind them.
This is a decision that I was trying to avoid at all cost but with the changes on rt island scape which now required months for the tank to look mature again I decided to go ahead and work mostly on the middle island as it was bothering me most.
Here are some shots at an oblique angle to show how corals were hiding ones behind them from view.


A certain degree of coral hiding each other is of course to be expected, unfortunately in this case it was too much.

middle island closeup

after removing the first coral (view on corals was already much better) this was the wwc tricolor valida which grew way too vertical weirdly and also wasn't looking great lately. I'll replace with a small frag in same position most likely but make sure to trim better as it grows .


I then removed the poccis in the back which were huge and just boulder shaped so not adding much to the color or shape of the tank. also removed the ORA green birdnest which was hiding some very nice corals behind it ( this was a very tough call) I reseeded a frag in the back of the scape where it'll have enough space to grow without hiding other corals) later on I also removed the baby Blue stag in the back as it looked disproportionate with corals on same island and it also never colored up to the since blue it was. I restarted a new frag of it in same position to see how it goes. I also was about to remove the Red robin on the side as it never showed any hint of red. but that day I looked close and could see a bit of red on the new growth which gave it a few more weeks in the tank to see how it goes.
here's the last pics I have of the tank (blue stag was still there when those were taken)


and how the tank looked after the cleanup. its sad to now have to wait a year at least for a more full look but I'm positive the new growth shape will be more to my liking and I'll also work on a few nicer corals to add for more colors. I'm lucky to not have to see the tank daily for coming period which hopefully will minimize the eyesore.

Wow that looks fantastic, friend! Good work! Look at all of those coral!!


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Feb 13, 2011
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As happy as it is to share success-additions-new growth or colors in this hobby, mishaps-issues-losses and disasters are also part of the hobby and I believe should be part of any build thread for others to learn from.
few weeks after last updates tank was doing great with visible growth and corals coloring up and consumption shooting... my wife noticed that few corals werent looking very happy and that they were browning out and tissue looked dry. I was on travel so she notified me asked her to run the usual tests and everything was ok there. so told her to watch carefully and she was sending pictures of everything every day.
2 days later some corals had some stn and many had browned out more and looked very dry.
I was on travel and couldn't come back before 4-5 days so had the following actions taken by my wife:

-Take out water sample for ICP testing.
-Reduce Calcium reactor setting: as corals had stopped growing and consuming, and I could see alk and Ca shooting higher. luckily i run a Dastaco Ca reactor so changing setting is a simple knob turn.
-Start water changes: My semi automatic water change system came in handy and my wife could run water changes simply by turning pumps and valves on and off. the only limitation was how much my ro unit could produce. I have another ro unit that we use for drinking water and by opening couple of valves on and shutting down the RO bypass on that 2nd unit I was now producing 200GPD of RODI water. by the time I got home my wife had made 3-4 water changes of around 400G. I ahd a couple of salt buckets ready and ordered 5 more delivered home.
-Carbon: wife wouldn't mess with reactors in the sump so asked her to fill two socks with around 2 KG of carbon each and thrown in the sump in bubble trap where theres high water turbulence. I Asked her to change carbon every daily first 2 days and then every two days afterwards.
-Poly filter: I always keep Poly filters on hand to deal with any non clear issues, a large one was also added in sump between baffles.
-Daily parameters checking and adjustment of CA reactor accordingly. I was down from around 40 percent of reactor full capacity to 10 percent.
-I then noticed that corals directly under lights were struggling more so reduced my lighting.
By the time I arrived it looked clear that this was very severe and as it affected the tank and another connected cube in basement as well as 3 frag tanks it was clear something was in the water.
so I kept on with water changes and did larger water changes to remove any contaminants better. i changed in total around 800 G which is close to total system volume and then went back to 15 percent water cahnges every week to avoid the constant shocks system was getting. I ran 2 reactors and alternated refilling them every 2 days.

Sadly i lost few colonies but on the positive side many of them had a few branches and tips that still had a bit of tissue so I was able to recover them at least.

I received the ISP results and had the folowings:
Tin at 16 Micro gram per liter (always ahd some elevated tin in my system most probably due to extensive plumbing and I had it higher with no effects, Iodine was up to 219 which is double the normal value but not enough to cause all this, the alsrming par ti sthat iodine is consumed rather quick so something could have happened and it could have raisen higher before the ICP sample. with my minimal iodine dosing unchanged for the last 7-8 months I don't know why it waould raise that much, and copper 5.3 Micro gram also not sure where it came from, lower than to cause this much damage and still that wasnt the typical presntation of copper contamination where many corals weren't even affected, as well as inverts acting normal in the tank.
the following ICP taken 10 days later had those 3 back to normal levels.

Some of the aftermath:

this was the most affected area which is the highest scaped area under one of my halides and couple radions.

WWC terra red is the coral on the left of the 3 bleached ones luckily it made it with a simple brown out. above it is the myagi tort a massive colony which at the end of the issues got a bit of bleaching on the base and on one of hte branches which kept me on my nerves.




tricolor lokani, was able to save couple tiny tips, this coral was very hard to loacte here and had to ship it from UK.

green frog skin massive colony looked terribly browned out and many branches stnd

LPS and softies were much lessa ffected but few LPS did brown out and some soft corals shriveled up for few days.


looking at how bad it was I was expecting much worse which luckily was not the case. I was able to save few frags of many of the lost corals and did recover some from my frag tanks and also from people I had shared with.
I still don't know what caused it but I'm sure something got into the water somehow possibly something that doesn't get tested in ICP or something happened and few days earlier and by the time we saw it on corals it wasn' t very visible in the water anymore.
it is indeed sad to get a mishap and its setback that will cost me few months again for the tank to go back to what it was but on the positive side I was pleased with a correct plan of action with no panic moves which I believe allowed me to get out of this with minimal losses.
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Blue Tang Clan

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Thanks for sharing the downsides of the hobby. So often we only see people's show tank products and forget that there is a ton of trial/error/luck/chance/grit/loss that goes into the experience!


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Thanks for sharing the downsides of the hobby. So often we only see people's show tank products and forget that there is a ton of trial/error/luck/chance/grit/loss that goes into the experience!

Guess we are all so proud of our tanks to the point we hate to admit or document issues we face. I still believe those should be documented for others to learn from, and if for nothing just to show how addicted we are :)


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well for some more positive news and nicer pictures. as stated couple weeks later tank had made a marked improvement. so I cleaned up all the dead corals and any branches or tips that were still alive I glued to plugs and they went to frag tank. and some were re positioned to hopefully regrow.
Blue accro and tri color lokani from this

to this.

lokani had few remaining living tips which colored up very fast.

cut those off and glued to rock.

Frog IMskin


Montipora Hirsuta which was looking dry colored back very nice.

Tricolor valida reduced to this small frag but looking nicer that it did before the issues


Not sure of the ID of this Accro but it went through the whole issue with out any effect


Red Robin tissue improving but still showing the scars


SSC recovered very fast

A no ID Aussie coral that looked very dry and about to STN is coming back nicely.


Red planet I had two colonies one in the front and one in the back of the tank, one in the front was mostly affected and was reduced to this crust


one in the back under lower light looked a bit dry but recovered quick which pushes my theory that corals under strong light stressed more than ones in shade even though I reduced my lighting 3-4 days after issues started.


My biggest loss and one I regret the most is hte blue oregon tort I have been growing for 3 years from a tiny frag to this (officially the slowest coral on earth)

was reduced to this tiny tip which Im hoping will regrow back to its original beauty.

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LPS also recovered quite fast.
Meteor shower and gonioporas




went back to this



and for soft corals my mushrooms had all shriveled up are back open and looking happy.






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now for some fish updates. over the last few months I ahve added a few more fish and my fish list is now close to complete as much as I try to make myself believe :)

Gramma Loretto


Added 6 ORA Fridmani as I love the color and motion they add to a tank.


Pair of mandarins



Negrosensis After a very tough introduction with bipartitus and and melanurus hitting on it


Added a pair of pintail wrass male and female hoping they'll stay a pair




Added a Solorensis which went unseen for couple weeks so added a second one I had in QT then couple week later so teh two swimming side by side. They are both males so I hope they won't endup fighting.


Couple ORA premium black snowflakes


Added a medium sized Borbonius but it turned out to be aggressive and I could see it chase any fish that approached its territory which kept getting larger every day to the point where no small fish was allowed close to the left side of the tank and I had to remove it only days after adding.


And a Ruby Red Dragonet, Added a male and female but female went missing one week later.



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Time to update the thread again :)

Achiles tang was always my nemesis. I always wanted one and tried a few over the years, while all made it past Quarantine, and ate fine none of them made it past 3-4 weeks in my tank.
I scored this one in Dubai on 1 Nov 2018, I quarantined for 20 days with preventive copper treatment for 2 days as well as couple freshwater dips and 2 rounds of prazi. I introduceed to the tank on end of Nov and it stayed for 4-5 days in acclimation box at mid and bottom of the tank where I feed for other fish so my tangs would get to see it.



on release all went well with all fish and tangs except my chocolate tang, which charged it a few times, it wasn't affected and immediately started to graze on the back glass and rocks. 2 days alter all tangs totally ignored it and all looked great.


it was out all day swimming grazign and feeding on whatevery I fed since day one in QT and then all of a sudden after one month stopped feeding on everything but Nori.
I kept on adding 2 sheets of Nori per day and addign vitamins, small pellets and flakes to the nori hoping itll get some while feeding. This went on from Jan till MArch when all of a sudden it switched back to eating anything I feed.



around 2 weeks after adding the Achilles I also added a mustard tang. and for the last 8 years with this tank it was the toughest tang intro. Achilles wouldnt allow the mustard tang to eator graze or even get out of the rocks. Resorted to adding a mirrror and dimming the lights whenever aggression got too much and luckily it finally worked out


Found a Paracheilinus Ocotaenia male and female which I wanted for some time and quarantined them for a month, but just before end of quarantine I realized that female was starting to switch to male. as the male I had wasn't terminal male and wasn't much larger than female I thought it was too risky to add both so only added the original male to the DT and female went to coral QT.


Then it was time to decide on a new harem of Anthias to replace the Lyretails I lost few years back. Decided on Evansis as they are smaller. more colorful, school much more and are much more active swimmers.... I have gotten around 25 in 3 batches but only 15 made it past QT and from those went down to 8 in the DT. they are proving much more difficult than I thougt and keep losing weight and color despite propper deworming and multiple feeds per day with added vitamins.


Also added a solorensis wrass which wen tmissing for 3-4 weeks, so added another one as I thought it didn't make it. few days alter was surprised with both of them swimming in the tank. they are fine so far and I don't see any aggression so I hope I won't have to remove one.

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Around then my 2 female semi circulatus that I added hoping one would turn male and I'd have a pair (actually wanted a trio), decided to both start turning male together and one beat the other very bad I was able to scoop it out in a net from the tank corner where it was hiding with most of its fins torn. luckily it made a full recovery in the tank but now wondering if I should take the second one out and try again with 2-3 small females or if I can risk a small female or two with the existing one as it's apparently too aggressive. unfortunately I haven't found any recently so will decide based on whether I can find 2-3 of these or if I only find one.



Then my Tonozukai wrass decided to raise hell on the lineatus and Magma wrass. It always was a bit aggressive and charged at few wrasses, but it was limited to simple charges which is fine for wrasses. but then it developed in non stop chasing and biting to 2 of my favorite wrasses so I decided it haaad to go out and I was luckily able to trap it 1 day before I had to travel. It was really a shame as it added a ton of colors tot he tank especially when it flashed.



And last, finally when my flame had grown a bit more and switched male after the dominant tono was out. It found a tiny hole where the tank screen goes around the return pipe and jumped from it. it was really weird as the tank is literally sealed except for this tiny space which I'm still shocked it found and was able to go through.


Luckily I was able to find a very small one 5-6 weeks back and along with a Lapilus and an orange back were quarantined and added to the tank a week ago.



Angels and Acros
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Look Great Maroun, Nice Update love the new fish.
I had a similar experiences with tuka anthias , I added around 15 , and I started to lose them slowly overtime , lost the full patch while I was traveling as I cant feed much while I am out of town.


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So for the last period I have been removing few corals I was never happy with how they grew (shading others or growing in a different direction that I wanted) as well as other corals that never really colored up, I also have lost a few corals in the last mishaps so starting end of year as system stabilized and was showing growth and colors I started adding may frags that I'll post for future growth comparisons. I still have 3-4 colonies I'm considering removing but with tank looking very empty I delayed that a bit.

Starting with the right Island which I completely changed back in Oct-Nov Last year.

500$ efflo was a coral I always wanted and which was hard to source here. I scored a large frag in Macna 2018 but it shipped bad and kept Stnining and loosing tissue till it finally stabilized and I was able to move it to DT in Jan 2019



Also got a frag of Ultmiate efflo which I was looking for from MACNA 2018.
it also didn't handle shipping stress great and struggled with issues I had in the tank.

Jack o lantern Moved from my frag tank, mummy eye chalice, mind bender chalice (in light acclimation and will be moved later on, Grafted Sun which weirdly is not showing the green after last mishap. I can still see the different polyps so hope green will come back.


Barney Accro, got it from MACNA 2018 as well.

Tierra Del Fuego From Fantasy Corals


Seasons Greeting monti and Honeycomb leptastrea

Walt Disney recovering from the last issues I had where it completely browned out.

Rainbow chalice and to it's right Darth Maul porites that I also picked up from MACNA 2018



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Had added this Hyacinthus (I believe) from an Aussie Shipment and placed it at the back of my scape. it turned out to be a showpiefce so moved a small frag tot he front of the right Island where it can be seen as it grows.


Sarmentosa and a Smooth skin accro.


Fiji Blue Diamond accro


Slime Balll Struggled a lot with last tank issues and heres whats left of it.

Dinosaur Eggs from Fantasy corals (believe it's an Apple Berry.


A tiny Pac Man Frag.

Couple no name frags that came from a Malaysia shipment in April hoping they'll show some nice colors.


And my latest Addition in April is this Fox Flame frag.

Right island already had a few more corals from before so at this stage its nearly fully seeded and its now a waiting game till the frags grow and start filling up.


  • Unfortunately, yes.

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  • Thankfully, no.

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