
  1. legacy2mj

    Tangs introduction

    my tang population of 5 was reduced to 1 while on vacation a year ago. The tank was cared for by somebody experienced while I was gone, so it wasn’t neglect. I still don’t know how or why 4 suddenly died all together. The lone survivor was my purple tang, which immediately took the dominant role...
  2. quesomuchacho

    Lil’ help? Damsel missing flesh

    Noticed my damsel wasn’t swimming around. Found it like this (see picture). Still swims, sometimes upside down. Very lethargic/easy to catch. It is in a “newbie mistake” overcrowded tank, but it’s generally peaceful. I’ve qt’d the damsel and have dosed my tank with Reef Rally Pro. I’m...
  3. taytay_1119

    Damsel aggression diversion in 20g

    I have a 20g with a talbot damsel who I think is maturing and turning out to be an butt (yes I know who woulda thunk). It’s starting to kind of target my bar goby when it’s swimming near his rocks. I was wondering if there’s a fish I could add to disperse the aggression perhaps like a royal...
  4. N

    Pairing new, young clownfish? Do I have to worry about separating them?

    Clownfish pairing.. We got our first clownfish a few days ago 1.5”, she’s in a QT. We got the second 1” looks very tiny, we hope to pair tonight. I know the nipping is part of dominance. But I’m afraid of leaving the little one overnight and waking up to a dead fish. I’m thinking I’ll add a...
  5. J

    Thalassoma wrasse predatory nature question

    I am well aware wrasse of the genus Thalassoma specifically Lunare, Hardicke and Paddlefin are extremely aggressive and will destroy a cleanup crew. I know they can also bully small fish but is it true wrasse of this genus will actually prey on small fish as well? Would damsels, anthias...
  6. R

    Coral Beauty being aggressive towards my fire fish

    A few weeks ago i bought a coral beauty for my 40g tank. 2 days ago I bought a fire fish. I was planning on getting 2-3 because I know they are better in groups, however the fish store only had one. I put the fire fish in that night, and the next morning i couldn’t find him. I assumed he was...
  7. kierstin1993

    Whats the best way to add a copperband to a tank with aggressive tangs?

    Hello! I have 2 tangs, a purple and yellow. They have a habit of ganging up on certain newcomers (killed a powder blue tang and a coral beauty angel on seperate occasions). Right now I have a copperband in the tank with a partition up so the tangs can't get her. To avoid aggression I thought it...
  8. P

    Tailspot Blenny Aggression

    I added a yellow watchman goby to our tank last week and my tailspot blenny immediately started attacking. I put the ywg in an acclimation box for six days and let him out yesterday. The attacking is slightly less persistent but still occurring regularly. I have to sit next to the tank and waive...
  9. C

    Blue Throat Trigger aggressive?

    I have a trigger I’ve had in a QT tank waiting to cycle meds but I wanted to add a couple more fish to it before starting the cycle. I added a decently large diamond Goby yesterday and walked down this morning to it dead and being picked at by the trigger. Anyone had this trigger kill other...
  10. T

    Length of time a Tang can be in Sump

    Due to some aggression in my tank I am in need of rehoming a Scopas Tang. Huge bummer as it's a beautiful fish. I currently have the scopas in the empty refugium section of my sump where it can also enter into the skimmer section (skimmer is off) and uses the skimmer to hide behind. The tang is...
  11. taylormaximus

    Your experience with six line wrasse aggression?

    I've heard probably most people say they had huge aggression issues with six lines, and a few claim they were model citizens. I would love to have one, but I'm wondering what circumstances you've had that resulted in aggression or peacefulness? Specifically tank size, other inhabitants, and also...
  12. JenB

    Aggressive Moorish idol removal/reintroduction

    270gal tank - So we have a resident Moorish Idol of about 2 months I think. We attempted to school by adding two more. The original is relentlessly attacking the two new Moorish Idols who are larger. We’ve moved the bully to the 93g tank and the purple tang is now attacking the Moorish. Is it...
  13. joe_sharkk

    Majestic Angel + Powder Brown Tang

    Hello, I have a 300 gallon FOWLR. It has baby horn shark (it’ll be moved to a 500 gallon in a year or 2), a 5 inch miniatus grouper, a Niger trigger, a powder brown tang, a blue ribbon eel, a clown that came with the tank who holds his own well, and a 4 inch hi fin snapper. Everyone’s been...
  14. Reaper_Six_Four

    Lawnmower Blenny aggressive towards Goby

    Help! My daughter purchased a Lawnmower Blenny for my birthday to replace my previous one that went missing and never reappeared. Since being introduced, he’s been very territorial towards my existing goby. Will this behavior continue or can it be reasonably expected to go away? My display is 75...
  15. gingeramoeba

    Brook or Scale damage on Clownfish?

    Hey guys. Wondering if this is possibly Brook or some scale damage. To me, it just looks like the scales are lifted a bit BUT lfs said clownish dont have scales. I went to another lfs right after (first one didn’t have what I came there for) and figured I would ask there. They told me that...
  16. I

    Citron goby bully

    Hi! I have a 40g community tank with lps and soft coral. I have about 45 lbs of live rock. I have: 1 pajama cardinal, 2 clownfish, 1 diamond goby, 1 purple fire fish, and 1 citron goby (the bully). For inverts I have about 10 hermits and 15 snails, a skunk cleaner, a fire shrimp, 2 peppermint...
  17. H

    Blue Green Chromis Picking on Clown?

    Why does the chromis keep hanging around my clownfish like this? The clown obviously doesn't want him there and charges at him, but I've also seen the chromis bite back, no matter where the clown goes the chromis continues to hover around him. Is there some way to stop this? Let it run its...
  18. Apayson

    Question about Blue Devil Damsel

    Hi there, I have a question about the aggression of the Blue Devil Damsel. I transferred this fish into a new red sea reefer 350 & sadly didn't research its aggression towards new fish. I've had this guy for over a year in a nano tank with a clown. It was bullying a new firefish for the first...
  19. tzabor10

    EMERGENCY Coral beauty spots

    Recently added a coral beauty to my 120 tank. It started fussing with my clownfish now both have faint white blemishes. It is a little tough to see because a diamond goby is busy stirring up the sandbed
  20. MFear

    Clownfish Harem Tank Agression

    I have had a clownfish harem tank going for about 2.5 years now. I have 13 clowns (some kind of Picasso) and 50-60 green bta anemones. The clowns were all from the same clutch added at the same time as teeny tiny babies. All has been well until this week when I’ve been noticing quite a few...
  21. M

    Melanurus lost scales open red sore

    I received Melanurus wrasse May 23rd, 8 days ago. The photo above shows the second day after losing some scales. It did not show any symptoms the first day, but overnight it lost scales and now I can see some red sore. It's in qt with scopas, starry blenny, and sixline wrasse I isolated...
  22. Matt Bravo

    Gramma bothering peppermint?

    Hey guys, got a peppermint shrimp today and my royal gramma started picking at it like crazy. It found a place in the rocks where the gramma won’t reach it though. Is it gonna be like this long term? I used to have a smaller one but he disappeared one day. Could the gramma have actually eaten...
  23. C

    Looking to ask a couple questions to someone who owns a Dardanus guttatus / blue kneed (hairy) hermit crab

    Does anyone actually have/had one of these guys? They are currently my dream animal and I would love to own one Probably 99% of the threads on every single forum are full of people saying 'i dont own one but this one random website says ________' and honestly i dont believe half of the things...
  24. taylormaximus

    Should I separate my clownfish?

    So I just got two young Ocellarus clowns, both very small but one significantly bigger, and they're still in QT at the moment (I've been doing tank transfer). They'll be ready for the 32 gallon display tank by May 2 at the soonest since they haven't shown any symptoms of anything so far and are...
  25. Cole_Voeller

    Dottyback Aggression

    Hello all! So a while back I got one of my dream fish, a super young springeri dottyback. Super cute dude, aquacultured, love him. I quarantined him with a Flametail blenny, and introduced the two together into their tank. A couple of times the flametail has chased the dottyback off, but other...