
  1. devitche

    Day 18 - 170 gal - Learning as I go - Algae, skimmer, cleanup crew

    Day 18 (and Day 5 of AI Grow Blades). What's this green stuff? Diatoms or else? Current inhabitants: 1 Sapphire Damsel and 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish — both from Biota. Very peraceful, don't interact with each other at all. I also purchased 2 Fancy Peppermint shrimps from Biota but I am not able...
  2. K

    Weird Algae Bowls… ID needed please!

    For the past few weeks I’ve noticed these weird little green algae bowls growing on my rockwork… not sure if these are micro or macro so I apologize if I’m in the wrong spot. I can’t find anything resembling this anywhere but it’s hard to search when you don’t know what you are searching for…...
  3. J

    75g reboot after 1+yr of not being touched

    Hey everyone, I've finally decided to get started again after a year of not touching my tank and could use some advice. Around last Thanksgiving while at a tech conference in Vegas, there was a power outage, and my apex for whatever reason didn't kick back on after power returned. I came home...
  4. B


    Hello! I recently have noticed my sandbed getting dirtier than normal. I will do my daily maintenance of stirring the sandbed but notice it will return in less than an hour. It also seems to almost fully disappear when the lights are off and return when the lights come back on. I read I could...
  5. C

    Something growing in my tank

    Hi, does anyone know what this is growing in my tank and how I can get rid of it?
  6. msayeka

    Rock has something on it. Is this algae?

    So I got a anemone that came with a rock it was attached on. The anemone moved from the rock and when I took at closer look at the rock it looks very strange. Is this some type of algae? It looks like it had tentacles growing from it and some other weird patterns. Please see pictures below and...
  7. J

    New algae on glass, hard as a rock

    I fought the good fight with GHA and won. I also discovered I was bottomed out with Nitrate and Phosphate. I'm dosing Phosphate and Nitrate now so I can hold .05ppm Phosphate and 3ppm Nitrate. It was amazing to see my coral perk right up. Anyway that's another thread for another day. Now I have...
  8. J

    Clear Film over LR and small Cyano Bloom

    Hello to all and Happy Holidays! Currently having an issue with a clear film over most of the LR (can't tell if it's bacterial or an algae) and a small Cyano bloom. Tested water and got some conflicting results. What should I do? 11 month old 30 Gallon DT Drilled 10 Gallon Baffled Sump W/...
  9. H

    Dinos or Cyano Treatment

    So I've been battling this battle for months now, I have had my tank for 7 months now, in the past I posted pictures of my tank and people told me that I had cyano. After a lights out phase and dosing peroxide, the cyano subsided, then came back. I tried mitigating but I just did manual removal...
  10. TheSheff

    Cannot kill off Ulva, it always grows back.

    Hello, I have been dealing with ulva in my DT for a couple of months now, and I cannot seem to get rid of it. I have a tang, snails, and emerald crabs. None of them seem to want to eat it. Does anyone have any other solutions?
  11. L


    been battle Dino’s on and off but this time these Dino’s will not go away. Decided to re identify but can’t really tell which one they are. Please help
  12. T

    Filters Sumps Refugiums Drygoods Reef octopus lr150 300 obo, only 3 months use

    Great condition with pump. Will post picks when I get home. Need quick black Friday money
  13. A

    A algae problem

    Hey everyone I am relatively new to reef tanks and I have had this algae in my tank forever. I can’t find anything on it. It has a tank ish colour and it has a jello like consistency. I have no idea what it is or how to get rid of it but I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.
  14. L

    Beginners troubles with chemistry and outbreak

    Hi reefers, I have a preowned REEFER XL425, I started it from very beginning 2 months ago. A week ago it got through cycling so I bought a pair of Nemos, 5 mixed frags, 3 shrimps a 4 snails. Everyone look great. Except the fact, that the chemistry is weird and now the massive green outbreak...
  15. A

    Microscope ID Pics

    Long story short, no clue what I was doing but amazed that I got some pics. Not sure the magnification is. It's kind of a reddish brown hair algae.
  16. T

    Help with algae

    Hi was hoping someone can help with identifying this algae? I’m having a little algae problem plan on getting more cuc this week. Got a little bubble algae but can identify the rest hoping for some help
  17. bengh13

    What is this??

    Anyone able to identify what this is? I don’t really know how to describe it other than it looks like cotton balls on my coral. Guessing some sort of fungus? 14 gallon reef AIO, pretty new to all of this so any help is appreciated!
  18. J

    Brown Stringy Algae. Dinos?

    Hi all, I have this brown stringy algae growing on my rocks and my sand. I’m having trouble determining if it’s just a brown stringy algae or dinos. As you can see it’s growing in and between corals, likely irritating them. I tested nutrients yesterday and Nitrates are 9 and phosphates are...
  19. U

    What kind of algae really is?

    Hello guys, I have a serious issue with my tank for 2 weeks. It slowly covered rocks and corals one by one and now my tank was fully covered by a brownish maroon slimy thing holding onto its white strings. I thought it was Dino at first but there are no bubbly things on it and it’s sheet-like...
  20. PrestoChang

    The Horrific Side Effects of Algaecide

    I am writing to you all because I would like to discuss what I believe algaecide has done to my tank and figuring what to do now. Let me first begin by explaining my hypothesis as to the reason that drove me to use API Algaecide in the first place. The Algae Bloom 1. I introduced ~15 Mexican...
  21. liamelias

    What kind of algae is this? It’s killing everything :(

    my tank is 11 months old. Started with dry rock and dr tim’s. Added real live rock about 2 months ago to help with biodiversity. I have gone through the uglies, but this algae won’t go away. It covers everything. I can easily blow it off the rocks with a turkey baster but comes right back...
  22. K

    Algae ID help

    Hey, I have been checking some of the other posts and I think this is green hair algae but wanted someone with more experience to help me out. Some of it has matts of green but other pieces almost look like cheeto type algae. This tank is 2 years old and I do a 20-25% water change every 3...
  23. M

    Algae on Coral?

    Any idea what's growing with the coral and what to do about it? We removed the plug from the tank and carefully picked out as much as possible a couple of weeks ago and now it's back. p.s. The color is washed out but and the coral is actually quite vibrant and healthy.
  24. Tricktastic

    Algae on zoa frag

    Not sure what this algae is, it doesn't look like GHA but I could be wrong. It's growing in circular shapes that if removed stays intact. It almost seems like a type of seaweed. Thanks y'all.
  25. taylormaximus

    Is this diatoms or a type of dinoflagellate?

    So I've been scouring the internet for answers, and found lots of pictures of people's tanks with seemingly the same problem, but everyone says it's something else. So I'm hoping I can post my specific situation and someone will know what's going on. So I've had diatoms, my rocks were golden...