Personal Experience Cleaning Filter Socks With Pressure Washer

Great idea!
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For people saying it’s overkill I don’t think so I have crappy water pressure so after the socks get cleaned say after 3 months I can no longer get them white and they clog faster I think it’s a great idea.
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Very clear and easy to understand, thank you for the pictures as well. In the winter, perhaps I could use it in the utility sink if my sprayer does not have enough force, or on the basement floor next to the drain. Hm!
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This is a nice way to clean filter socks - but - in contrast to many - its way overkill. I merely rinse mine under a forced spray under in my laundry tub - and have no problems. Im not sure why people feel the need to use the washing machine, bleach, etc etc etc - Rinse them under a relatively strong spray - and forget them:)
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I agree, it’s a bit overkill. However, it takes me less than five minutes to get the pressure washer hooked up and another ~five minutes to get each sock clean. It also prevents me from having to scrub the sock unlike what you would likely have to do to clean in the laundry tub since there isn’t as much water pressure. I wrote this article to show people that there are other options to clean Filter Socks contrary to using a washing machine, and so are you by writing this review. Thank you