How to Propagate Aiptasia...

Very intriguing. I wonder if heavy UV sterilization could be utilized in conjunction with an Aiptasia tank to create a nutrient control method.. Anemones, as we all know, consume tons of particulates and dissolved organics. If we had a way to trap their free floating babies to prevent display tank spread.. that would be incredible.
Very good article for berghia nudibranch farming and propagation.... endless food.
Great, useful.
Great topic. Very interesting.
That is seriously the stuff of my nightmares. I get how you grew it and that you were successful. Totally not getting why.
I mean yea the pictures speak for themselves. Thats a crazy amount of aiptasia, I am curious to know why you propagate so much of it. Is it to train fish and inverts to eat it as a food source?