
  1. Dwaters

    Berghia Nudibranchs

    I am wondering how many people have used Berghia Nudibranchs for an infestation of Aiptasia? I have always used Red Sea Aiptasia-X in the past to treat them as they spring up here and there. However, in the past 2 months or so they have gotten so out of hand all of a sudden. In my nano cube I...
  2. Evan28395950

    Joe’s Juice Question

    Hi all, I’m about to use joes juice for my Aiptasia, and I have a few questions. 1. If any of Juice gets into my good bubbletip anemone, will it kill it? 2. Is ok to use for anemones in my filtration area (biocube)? 3. If my fish try to eat it, will they be alright?
  3. Evan28395950

    Joe’s Juice

    Hi all, I’ve got about 3 aiptasia and I’m going to purchase joes juice. Only question I have, is it safe to use around my good anemones, they’re somewhat close to aiptasia, and also is it safe to use for one attached to my maxima clam? When injection I’ll turn off flow to maximize accuracy
  4. Evan28395950

    Aiptasia on Maxima Clam

    So I tried getting this Aiptasia out of my tank, but my pliers just wouldn’t reach into that area. I’m thinking I’ll try something different in the morning, is it ok to leave it like this?
  5. Evan28395950


    I tried sucking up an aiptasia from the sand bed near a maxima clam. Wasn’t able to get it, but surely disturbed both of them. Should I be concerned about anything?
  6. Evan28395950

    HELP! Aiptasia or good anemone?

    I just saw this anemone fly into one of my aiptasia. Is it good, or should I try to take it out?
  7. snwmnky007

    Who to Choose? Best (looking) pest control fish?

    With everyone trying their hardest to QT, dip, and keep parameters perfect, it still can happen. Pests! Maybe bristle worms, Aiptasia, flatworms, or hair algae. The question what do YOU use for that unexpected nuisance? there are a lot of short term cures but what would you want to put and KEEP...
  8. potatocouch

    How to kill Aiptasia (preferably under water)?

    Peppermint shrimp doesn't seem to work (I put in 3 small one yesterday and I don't see them anymore LOL .... let alone them fixing my Aiptasia). I had a bigger Peppermint shrimp earlier this year and it seems to work on those Aiptasia but shame, I think it gets eaten by the BTA; perhaps what I...
  9. Brandon42

    Aiptasia wand

    Any body have any luck with these? I have a pretty heavy Aiptasia issue starting. I’ve added Berghia nubi branches but still think they will need some help.
  10. MarineDepot

    Build a Tank: 2, 18, 22, 33, or 64 Gallons!

    Build A Tank: 2, 18, 22, 33, or 64 Gallons! PLUS: 10% off Majano Wands!
  11. kentofms

    Cleaning pests from corals

    To what extent would you clean and quarantine corals coming from a tank with aiptasia, bubble and other nuisance algae, and other hitchhikers. My approach would be to clean the tank of pests as much as possible and make sure the corals themselves were free of pests. Then I would move to a...
  12. Robg719

    What Fish/Inverts eat Nudibrachs?

    Looking to rid my tank of Aipastia and seems like this is one of the best and recommended methods. My biggest concern is they will become an expensive treat for my tank inhabitants before they get to eat the Aipastia. My biggest concerns are my Sally Lightfoot Crab, followed by my Coral Banded...
  13. choss

    Re-use live rock or not?

    I am setting up a new 96 gallon reef tank. I always quarantine new fish and for this new build I have a 20 gallon frag tank/holding tank to also quarantine new corals (once they have been dipped). My plan is to watch new specimens a minimum of 6-8 weeks before introducing them to the new tank...
  14. Ryan Rioux

    Need help with positive ID! Please .

    Starting to spread like wildfire ! Not sure what they are '
  15. jrwoltman


    Oh, Aiptasia X, Purple elixir of death. Pop, pop, pop, pop, ahhh...
  16. GoVols

    Berghia Nudibranchs for the Dreaded Aiptasia Anemone

    First off I don't consider myself an expert reefer. I'm just one person that's been in the hobby for many years and, I'm still learning. I also like to help others to be successful too. So, I want to write this piece to help others make a decision while dealing with an Aiptasia outbreak to this...
  17. Mike N

    They grow up so fast

    This is the aiptasia that came in my live rock order from GLR about 6 weeks ago. Fast forward to 6/1/2017: He's in a 20g with no corals, only a valentini puffer, giant emerald, hermits, and astrea snails. Hasn't spread at all in 6 weeks. (Seems to contradict what a lot of people say about...
  18. Mariners

    Hitchhiker my fruit loops, help identify plz

    Hi everyone, Got a new fruit loops zoa frag and i did the normal coral rx and then qt tank for a couple days. This frag has been in my dt for a couple weeks getting it acclimated to leds. Anyway i noticed what looks like tentacles (either a small feather duster or worse a small aiptasia)...
  19. Mariners

    Need help identifying hitchhiker on new frag

    Hi everyone, Got a new fruit loops zoa frag and i did the normal coral rx and then qt tank for a couple days. This frag has been in my dt for a couple weeks getting it acclimated to leds. Anyway i noticed what looks like tentacles (either a small feather duster or worse a small aiptasia)...
  20. fishnreef

    Aiptasia ruining your Holidays? Bergia in Stock!

    We as aquarists know all too often this scenario. What starts out as a seemly harmless single aiptasia polyp quickly explodes into a full blown outbreak in a matter of days! Stinging your prized corals, fish and otherwise creating an unsightly eye sore. Removal of single aiptasia polyp is...
  21. Valkyrie

    Aiptasia question

    I've read the different methods for getting rid of, aka killing, aiptasia and I'm willing to try them. I have a question, though. I have about 4-5 of the buggers on very small rock with some Favia(?). The rock is no bigger than a small egg. Is there any reason why I can't just pick the rock up...