algae identification

  1. C

    Help Identifying Coral QT Algae

    Today an algae bloom appeared in my coral quarantine tank. This is my first batch of coral frags and my first time setting up a quarantine for coral. The frags and tank have been setup for about a week. I used Biospira to seed the tank and used a fresh mix of saltwater to setup the tank. I'm...
  2. C

    Algae ID Help (possibly Lobo)

    Any thoughts on what these spots are? I'm guessing Lobophora. This is my first tank and my first run in with algae. I noticed the brown/tan spots/discoloration first. But tonight I noticed the black spots for the first time. I'm thinking it's lobo that hitchhiked in with my emerald crab. I also...
  3. A

    Gha or bryopsis ID

    I have this greens algae, plucks off easy, doesn’t like direct peroxide. Purple urchin slowly eats it. I have GFO running 0.17 nitrate 0.002 nitrites 0.01 phosphates calcium 400 magnesium 1380 alkalinity 8.2 pH 8.1 and salinity 33 ppt I want to get rid of it as it’s outcompeting my coral frags...
  4. F

    New Tank Ugly Phase, Any Action Necessary?

    Hey all, I've got a 25 lagoon thats been running for bout 6 weeks now. 2 small clowns, 1 royal gramma, cleaner shrimp, 6 snails 2 hermits. Can someone diagnose whats all over my glass and substrate? It's not bothering the zoas but my gsp isn't opening at all and my golden glove polyp isnt too...
  5. H

    Please Help Me Identify the Algae

    Mods please delete this post, wrong forum.
  6. itelshot

    is it caroline spreading?

    This is a total victory, it looks like the Carolina algae began not only to grow, but also to reproduce on the acrylic shelf. It's them, isn't it? So far, it is scratched quite easily with my fingernails. I'm happy about that, because I think it's a good sign that I've achieved good water quality.
  7. D

    Help with Algae? Identification

    My tank is being overrun by some brown crud and I am uncertain if it is dinos or cyano of some type. I saw quite a few people posting microscope pictures so I obtaned one and tried capturing a few pictures with it. However while I see lots of cool stuff and many little critters moving around I...
  8. D

    EMERGENCY Huge outbreak of unknown algae

    I have had this tank for over a year and a half. I recently changed the aqua scape with Marco rock around two weeks ago. I went on vacation for 5 days and it was white before vacation and now it’s filled with some sort of algae. I had hair algae in the past, so I assume it’s partly this. But...
  9. VanCityReef

    Please help identify this nuisance algae! Rapidly taking over my tank

    Went away for a week and came home to this completely taking over my sump. Protein skimmer working very hard. Used up half my reef mat in 3 days. It feels very slimy and comes apart quite easily. The consistency almost feels like slime around a piece of string, but the second you touch it, it...
  10. ncfalco

    Green hair algae or something else?

    For about two weeks now I've been struggling with what I believe to be some kind of green hair algae. It's not terribly long and is very difficult to remove manually. My turbo snail has been eating some, but it just grows right back. My tank has been running for 2 months. My nitrates are sitting...
  11. ncfalco

    Please help identify this algae

    For about two weeks now I've been struggling with what I believe to be some kind of green hair algae. It's not terribly long and is very difficult to remove manually. My turbo snail has been eating some, but it just grows right back. My tank has been running for 2 months. I tried using a...
  12. A

    Help with Algae ID and solutions ?

    I have an algae appear that I need help w ID. It grows in a stringy reddish brown growth pattern. Also it may or may not have air bubbles within the algae . It may be clinging to it from my HOB SKIMMER. My tank is 2 years old. Thx
  13. S

    Algae Id?

  14. B

    Algae ID‼️‼️

    What’s up everybody, just have a quick question. I am battling some sort of algae on my sand bed and have been for a couple of weeks now. They are like thousands of little individual balls of green algae, and I can’t find anywhere on what they might be. There is a ton of them and I do not know...

    Is this algae or anything else?

    Is this a sort of algae or anything else? It is taking over my whole tank.
  16. K

    ID on algae

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  17. K

    Can someone please ID this algae?

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  18. S

    mystery algae identification

    So ive noticed this algae popping up in my tank over the past few weeks. It is on the sandbed and rocks and I have looked it up and have not been able to identify it. It is almost fuzzy little balls that coat the surface of my sand and rocks. It definitely doesn’t appear to be one of the...
  19. Oblivionity

    ID algae?

    Hello I have this moss like purple algae growing on my life rock. It doesn't come off like the cyanobacteria I have in my other tank, that grows on the sand and other decor. Is this also cyanobacteria or is it something else? Also I think the dark spot is good algae? I've had this tank running...
  20. M

    Digital Microscope pics, algae and other stuff for ID

    Hello! We have some hairy brown algae coming and going (snail and shrimp cuc) in the ugly phase about 2.5 months old 65-gallon dry rock bare bottom tank, (BioSpira, copepods, adding eco pods soon, showing a few tiny early signs of coralline from seeding). To the best of my recollection, these...
  21. C

    EMERGENCY Crazy Algae Issues! Please help!!

    Hi all, hopefully you can help me!! I have a 24 gallon AIO waterbox peninsula, roughly 8 months old. I have been battling algae for the last 4-5 months. I believe its a combination of diatom, dinos and maybe cyano? the algae doesn’t completely disappear at night, but does reduce slightly. If...
  22. J

    Can someone confirm what this algae is? And tips to get rid of it?

    This has been growing in my tank lately and need to know what it is so I can get rid of it
  23. W

    Help with algae ID and solution

    Hey all, I'm new with reefing and this is my first algae bloom that wasn't diatoms. At first I thought it was just a heavy case of them but they seam more maroon than rusty color like I've been use to seeing and they have these little strings forming and trapping little o2 bubbles up in the slab...
  24. Adam1985

    Algae ID

    Hi all, Recently I changed skimmers and my chaeto died off, and now is back with a different texture (weird right - it’s much thicker, darker green, and stiffer than earlier) and what seems to be a new species or algae has started growing on the water surface. Any idea what this is stuff is...
  25. P

    Diatoms or something worse?

    I hate to be that "What's this?" guy but I wanted to confirm what I'm looking at here. Based on descriptions and images on the web, I believe it to be diatoms but wanted someone else’s opinion. My concern is that my NO3 and PO4 have both read 0 for months now so I concerned that it’s dinos...