
  1. MarineDepot

    Hanna Checkers and ESV B-Ionic Giveaway - 24 HOURS ONLY

    Hanna Checkers and ESV B-Ionic Giveaway - 24 HOURS ONLY We are having a giveaway on Facebook today 3/7/19 and will choose 1 winner tomorrow 3/8/19. There is no purchase necessary to enter or win. You must be a U.S. resident age 18 or older to participate. ENTER NOW >
  2. MarineDepot

    How to Use Hanna Checkers to Dial In Your 2-Part Dosing Regimen

    How to Use Hanna Checkers to Dial In Your 2-Part Dosing Regimen VIDEO: A beginner’s guide to maintaining calcium & alkalinity
  3. Tangina20

    New to dosing kalkwasser

    I’m starting to have a large amount of lps and sps in my reef and just started testing for cal and alk. My alk is at 7 and cal is at 340. I’m looking into dosing kalkwasser or soda lime in my auto top off but I read that it can increase ph too high. Right now my ph is sitting at about 8.2-8.3...
  4. M

    Dosing BRS 2-Part. To change or not to change?

    Coral health? Mostly ok (a few birdnests flew the coop) Coral growth? LPS very nice, SPS pretty ok Don’t like Vermetid snails? Yes, though irrelevant for this post Allergic to cats? Yes Does size matter? 120DT / 200 Total ALK 9 CALC 380 MAG 1500 Brand shout out: reef crystals 2-part dosing 25ml...
  5. Joe Batt

    My APEX just dumped 200ml of alkalinity instead of 2ml

    Help....any ideas what to do? My APEX just dumped 200ml of alk into my 350 instead of 2ml. It shows 2ml as the dose but it has put 200ml into the tank when I look at the input. I just tested with Salifert and the dKh is off the scale low. How can I save my tank?
  6. McDam

    Unconventional Calcium Reactor for the average reefer!!

    Since R2R has been such an amazing source of knowledge for me through out my years in the hobby I want to share this idea with you all. It was originally posted under the chemistry forum for discussion but this has now become quite the DIY project and I think this is a more appropriate place for...
  7. Idoc

    Alkalinity...high or low recommended?

    I was reading someone's post highlighting some of the most successful tanks owned by many of the big coral companies. The parameters were all over the place in terms of calcium, magnesium, nitrates, and phosphates... kind of showing that stability was the key. But, 9 of the 10 tanks kept...
  8. 8251reefer

    Kalk in ATO and BRS 2 part

    My alk Rides between 7- 7.6 and calc around 420-430. I have been using kalk in my ATO to maintain calcium and alkalinity levels and my SPS have been growing nicely but I feel like its not as stable as it could be. My 75g evaps about 1 gallon/day. I like the idea of adding 2 part to get my alk up...
  9. Daniel Troconis

    How fast can Alkalinity drop?

    Hi FAM: I tested on Sunday Before Water Change: 97ppm = 5.42dkh Sunday After Water Change 122ppm = 6.82dkh Thursday four days later I now have 104ppm = 5.81dkh 1-Does anyone know how fast and or what should I expect as far as decreased ALK parameters after just four days? 2-Should I start...
  10. Jeremy Lain

    Ph in a reef tank, how to raise it without messing up calcium, alk, and, magnesium parameters?

    Hello, I have been learning about calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium in a reef tank, now I am learning about ph. What is a way to raise ph in a reef tank without messing up the other perameters: calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium?
  11. Peter K

    From 2 part (Aqua Forest) to Calcium Reactor Questions

    Hi all, I wanted to preface this by saying that I love using the aqua forest component 1/2/3+ and have had great results, however, I am going through $80-$100 of additives a month right now and am constantly having to refill my dosing containers every few days. So I was planning on...
  12. Andrew Schubert

    Ca and dkH levels in new Reef tank???

    I've had my tank setup with corals for about a month now. I added 15 new coral frags that I purchased from world wide corals. These include 4 SPS, and the rest LPS (duncans, zios, ricordias, Lords, torch, hammerhead, and a couple chalices). I am using Instant Ocean Reef Cyrstals for my salt...
  13. erk

    Solid State Alk Sensor?!?!

    With all these alkalinity monitors and related equipment that are already on the scene, I was wondering if there was any work being done on an actual sensor that did not require titration. I know Seneye has something coming out, but that appears to calculate the carbonate level using CO2...
  14. dangros

    Is it feasible to add kalkwasser to the saltwater reservoir?

    Since my calcium reactor cant seem to keep up with my alkalinity needs, would it be feasible to dump some kalk into my saltwater container? I've implemented automatic water change of about 7500ml/day. Would there be issues like clogging the lines, burning up my DOS, screwing up the chemistry?
  15. Joe Batt

    Alkalinity stability

    We all know (I think ) that alkalinity should be kept as stable as possible. However there is little information on what 'stable' is so I am starting the poll to see what change average reefer see's on a daily basis when they test their tank. Would be interesting if you added a post to say...
  16. ReefingwithO

    New York UltraReef Reactor $110, D and D Jump Guard screen top kit for 4foot tank $30, ESV 2 Part $20.

    Pickup at East 92nd & Clarkson in Brooklyn - call or text 7184504701 ESV 2 part, 1 gallon of alkalinity and calcium. I mixed up but used very little - $20 UltraReef Reactor - used for 4 months, purchased from UniqueCorals - $110 - I bought it from -...
  17. J

    Kalk Rx & Alk

    Changed to a Kalk Rx after 10+ years of running a CaRx on a 250g Mixed Reef system (fish, SPS, LPS, Soft, etc), tank pH had run 7.8 to 7.95 with Alk running 9.5 to 10.2 kh. Currently, with a Kalk Rx, the pH is 8.05 to 8.15 with Alk at a steady 8.3 kh dosing 2.03 g/day across 48 - 3.5 min...
  18. fishnchip

    Doser for my 32?

    So I'm looking to add an alk and calc doser to my 32. Any suggestions on which one I should get? Thanks so much and as always, Happy Reefing!
  19. P

    Seachem Reef Builder - Mix a stock solution

    I recently got a dosing pump (finally), but I'm having a hard time finding out how much Reef Builder powder can be added to a mix stock solution. I'm going to be using a 2000ml container, but how much powder can I add to the container? Seachem website is not helpful at all (I don't care about...
  20. Joe Batt

    Why does Alkalinty drop in an empty tank?

    Why does my alkalinity slowly drop in a tank with no corals? (approx 0.4dkh every 4 days) Ca Mg is constant at the moment. I have restarted my tank and through the cycle is finished I currently have an algae bloom. The tank just has 7 medium sized fish, cycled rock and sand (originally dead...
  21. grassy_noel

    Illinois BRS 1.1 ml per minute dosing pump

    Hi, I have one lightly used "BRS 2 Part Doser - 1.1 ml Per Minute" for sale. I used the pump to dose Alkalinity to my nano tank for about 3 months, but recently replaced with a 4-head dosing pump. It ran ~45 minutes per day during that 3 months, so the pump has a total run time of about 70...
  22. F

    Low Alkalinity Reef Tank with Calcium Reactor

    Have been experiencing low alkalinity with my sps dominant mixed reef tank. Any suggestions as to what I should do? I was wondering if it is possible the current calcium reactor is too small. The tank is a red sea 525XL (525 Liters) plus about 50 gallons of sump. Current alkalinity is 6.1...
  23. LEOreefer

    Another PH thread

    hello all as the title says I have another PH question. butt you can see by my picture my ph runs between 7.5 and 7.7 it goes up as high as 7.9 after water changes( indicated by red circles) . I live in a condo with myself and my wife. On a regular basis my ph will drop to around 7.4 at night. I...
  24. BlueWorldJeff

    Alk Calibration Fluid

    Does Hanna offer calibration fluid, so I know my Alk checker is reading accurately. And if so, and the reading is off, how to calibrate? I'm using the HI 755 ppm Alk checker with the HI 755S reagent
  25. certain_code

    DIY Alkalinity Monitor

    Hey everyone! There has been a lot of talk these days about the options of automated Alkalinity monitors. The benefits of these is easily seen but the price tag, other required controllers, and honestly the looks of some of the options out there have me reluctant to invest quite yet. So I got...