anemone behavior

  1. sotsreef

    My RBTA won’t attach to anything

    I got my RBTA 2 days ago. He was attached to a rock so I carefully removed him with an ice cube and turkey baster. I acclimated him for temp and ph for a reasonable amount of time before placing him into the tank. I used my anemone basket to float him near the top of the tank to kind of isolate...
  2. J

    Are bubble tip anemones supposed to be aggressive eaters???

    Hey all! I have a question that may be dumb but its something i need to know. So basically i have a green bubble tip in my tank that eats really quick! Ive only had it for 2 weeks so im pretty new to feeding nems. I feed it a small piece of shrimp every 3 days or so and every time i feed it i...
  3. MSB123

    HELP- is my anemone dying?

    I just received a blue tip seabae anemone from liveaquaria. He has not been eating as far as I can tell and he seems bleached. What should I do? He moves a bit but his tentacles are short and pulled in. Please help!
  4. urfavoritehoboinkc

    Ultra Rose Anemone help

    Tank is 5 gal Fluval Spec, with a 2.5 gal macro fuge, Kalk ATO, Current Loop LEDs & 8 various Rapid LEDs cyan, blue, & UV. So it looked great for 2 months, tank ran through some stability issues lost almost all the SPS. The anemone pulled through still looking good, beyond tips no longer being...
  5. thinktank

    Green BTA added to tank - not sure if acting normal?

    Hi all, I recently added a Green Bubble Tip Anemone (at least, that's how it was identified at the LFS and what it seems to be). It was added to my 100 gallon system last Thursday night and immediately took to the lower left corner of the tank, away from rocks, and attached itself to the back...