aquarium advice

  1. JustOurTank421

    New Fluval 13.5

    I just started my tank 3/12/24 . It's the fluval evo 13.5. Tank cycled . So far I have stocked -GSP -Blue damsel -10 hermits -1 turbo snail I'm using all stock setup I did add the heater since it's not included. I'm looking for some insights,thoughts and advice on better upgrades for set up...
  2. C

    Kh problems

    Ive been having problems keeping my kh stable i see it jump all over the place and i feel like it gets drained more then evrything else. Can anyone give me advice on what to do i am pretty new to reefing and dont want to wait until something goes wrong. In the pictures are my current parameters...
  3. Troyer15

    Plastic Aquarium Trim

    I am resealing a perfecto aquarium and when I removed the top plastic frame of course I broke it. Does anyone know where I can purchase a replacement? The dimensions I'm looking for is 36x18. Thanks!
  4. hexcolor reef

    High Tide Low Tide IN DISPLAY TANK

    I noticed in my main display tank the water levels drops and rises through out the day. More so when its warmer/higher humidity the water level drops. Cooler temps the water level rises. It appears this way any how. I did some googling and didn't find anything. Is this a normal thing has anyone...
  5. Mandarin the first

    Scratch on glass visibility

    I have a tank I want to use but I have noticed two scratches on the front glass panel. They are deep enough to catch your fingernail on so fixing them is probably out of the question. Will these scratches be a lot less visible when the tank is actually filled with water? The tank is float glass...
  6. G

    Generic Amazon Rimless Low-Iron 45?

    So, in a thread I posted a couple days ago detailing how we reefers are oppressed by landowners (lol), I was advised to start designing my setup while I wait for the opportunity to build. I started looking for a rimless 40 breeder, and I have found about zilch from anyone (which is weird because...