clown tang

  1. jgabbsxx

    Clown Tang Not Breathing Right & In Sand

    HELP! I just came home from work on lunch and noticed my clown tang in his hiding spot in a rock not swimming around & breathing heavy. I offered seaweed per usual and he will not come out and looks to be injured or something. All of my other fish are doing just fine. He was swimming around last...
  2. hexcolor reef


    Here’s my first post, which I posted in the wrong forum section Thread 'QUICK HELP!!! MARINE VELVET OR NO?' Could this be Black Ich Turbellarian Infection instead of Hook worms??? And will Prazi or another medication...
  3. hexcolor reef


    Wanting to catch this early before it’s to late, is this a sign of marine velvet? My clown rang is eating a lot and doesn’t seem to be bothered just once or twice swiping against the sand on same side of discoloration. I have UV sterilizer running in display tank and was thinking about adding...
  4. Sushibar

    California Live Goods Powder blue tang, Yellow tang, purple tang, Naso tang, clown tang, Two Spot Bristletooth Tang

    I’m taking the tank down. I’ve had the tangs ranging from 2-4 years now. All get along great with each other and look perfect. All fish have been properly quarantined before introduced into the system. I’m hopeing to find one home for them all. I know that’s not the easiest. Im located in the...
  5. Lukall14

    Wound on freckleface tang, need advice

    Hi, My freckle face tang has been acting very reserved and not eating much the last couple of days. Very different to what she’s normally like. Today, I noticed this mark on the side of her body. Can someone tell me what is it? A bite mark? Or disease? I have my suspicions that it might be...
  6. Michael White

    Experience Clown Tang keepers chime in

    Experienced Clown tang keepers only please! I have always thought the Clown Tang is the most beautiful fish. I have heard so many 2nd and 3rd hand stories of peoples experiences with them not going well. Very little advice from people first hand. For that reason I did not stock my tank with one...
  7. W

    Clown Tang Suffering

    Does anyone have an idea what is going on with my clown tang? One eye is fogged over and the left side of the fish is getting gross.
  8. kingkai512

    Sohal/clown tang hybrid?

    Has anyone ever seen one in person? I was only able to find one pic on the internet but they apparently exist. If you have seen one in a store please let me know where!
  9. Buckwilds

    Melanurus wrasse attacking new clown tang

    Most of the research I've done says that generally Melanurus are generally peaceful. Well mine is a jerk. I just put the clown tang in yesterday and don't want to take him back out unless I have to. Is there a way to curb this aggression so that they can eventually get along? The next thing I'm...