clownfish breeding

  1. J

    Can clownfish fry and a hermit crab live together

    Can clown fish fry and hermit crabs be together My clown fish fry are 3 days old and the water is tinted so i cant see if they are all still alive. was thinking of throwing a hermit in there to eat the dead fry if there are any. has anyone tried this before, this should also keep an ammonia...
  2. djm

    Clownfish Eggs?

    Hi Guys I was just about to do my weekly water change and noticed what looks like eggs attached to my rock next to where my clownfish are hosting a BTA. Are these eggs? They have never laid eggs before. If they are eggs what should I do with them?
  3. M

    Clownfish identification

    I am having some trouble with the color of this guy since I’m a bit colorblind. To me he looks red and none of the other babies are red. I know the mocha variation is usually more of a dark orange or brown but this one looks more red to my eyes. Wasn’t sure if I could add video so I added a few...
  4. T

    Are my clownfish breeding?

    Sorry for the blue light. In the video I tried to film the underside of the darker clown to show its girth. It definitely it much bigger than the other. They only stay around this one rock out of the whole tank. Any questions?
  5. Kristopher Conlin

    How I successfully raised baby clownfish

    I slightly panicked for a second when I first saw a bunch of little orange dots in my aquarium right next to my ocellaris clownfish and their anemone. My immediate thought was that it was some weird algae or pest. A few seconds later I realized my clowns had laid eggs! I thought it was pretty...
  6. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Laid Eggs

    Hi all, It’s now Day 3 since my clownfish laid eggs and I was wondering if anyone here can give me a load of useful information/tips that will aid me in raising the fry. I have wanted to breed clownfish for a while and I have done my research so I know the basics but I’m after more searching...
  7. P

    Clownfish breeding

    I have 2 clownfish that have been together for about 3 years. Both are the same exact size and I’m trying to breed them or get them started so if I want to I can raise some fry. Just wondering what I should do to encourage some breeding or just some tips in general. Thanks in advance
  8. An_Enemy

    Raising my clown's eggs for the first time and getting some interesting patterns!

    My clowns have been spawning for years and I finally decided to try raising them. Glad I did, there's so many interesting ones appearing! :beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes:
  9. S

    Clownfish Breeding

    Good Afternoon from the UK! My tank has finally cycled and I have added a beautiful pair of Clownfish(mocha + OG) that look just about the size to start breeding.(please see attached and let me know what you think). My plans are to buy a good sized anemone and a couple of corals soon to make...
  10. J

    California WTB Want to buy breeding clowns in SoCal area will even pay for shipping for some pairs

    Looking to buy breeding pair or pairs of clowns. Hoping for some high end pairs! Let me know what you’ve got and how much through pm
  11. C

    Feeding phyto/rotifer culture question

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience keeping a phyto/rotifer culture up in Canada? I'm looking for something to feed a phytoplankton culture but can't find anything. I can't get rg complete or micro algae grow here in Canada and looking for an idea for an alternative. Thanks
  12. S

    Recommended food for clownfish

    Hi, I just got a pair of juvi Mocha Storm clowns. What food(s) do you recommend that I start feeding them and how frequently. I'd like to at some point try to breed them. I'm reading that variety of food is important also. Thanks
  13. agame2021

    Build Thread The Rack

    clownfish breeding rack set up. I’m super stoked for this one! Started doing research on building a rack of multiple tanks all tied into one system. Well now I have the rack x7 10g aqueon tanks and x2 20 gallon aqueon tanks. I’m looking to replace the 20’s with x4 40g breeders later on. I’m...
  14. SimplyVibing

    Heating fry tanks

    Hi, I’m starting my journey breeding clownfish. I will have three pairs (I’d start with one, but I already have three unpaired female clownfish so why not?). If each pair lays twice a month, I’ll reasonably need 6 fry tanks. I’m going to divide a 55 gal into 6 sections that are ~9.5 gallons...
  15. That1guy07

    HELP! Clownfish has ripped fins under the body and is now not moving it’s tail fin

    Just an hour ago I discovered my clownfish is not using its tail fin to swim anymore. It is just using its pectoral fins. This is not normal. He is eating fine and he has full color except in the underside. He has ripped fins all alone the bottom of him. Just the bottom fins not the top. Those...
  16. christianscorals

    clownfish pairing question

    Hello everyone, I hope there is someone out there that can help me with clownfish pairing info. Basically, I had bought a ~2.5 inch snowstorm oscellaris for my ~1.25 inch black oscellaris clown a while back. i’d say 1 year ago is when the bigger one was introduced to the smaller one. A month...
  17. Reefer37

    Internal Parasites or Pregnant Clown?

    I have a pair of clowns that have been together a little over a year now. I'd say the male is 2 years old and female 3 or 4. They've been behaving very much like pre-spawn for the first time with the male clearing out a spot (picking up sand and moving it) and both clearing out areas and doing...
  18. Frostbite

    Moving a Breeding pair of Clownfish?

    What are everyone's thoughts on moving a pair of clownfish that have been reeding since March in my 72 gallon display tank. I just got a 120gallon grow out tank which ideally should go where I have the 72 gallon so I am afraid of uprooting my mating pair since they are my only pair that are...
  19. N11morales

    Texas WTB Clownfish Clutch

    Hello, I was thinking about setting up a clownfish harem tank. I would like to do black ice clownfish. How many could i put in a 90G tank? Also any tips on how many anemones i should get? Also would like to know if anyone has black ice clowns for sale or knows a good company to purchase clowns from.
  20. Mike N

    Ocellaris Equivelant to Maine Blizzard Percula?

    I have successfully bred a wyoming white with a gladiator and some of the resulting fry resemble Maine Blizzard clowns. All the fins are pigmented orange and the only difference is that the dorsal fin of my clowns is also orange. (Blizzards have black on dorsal fin) Is there an ocellaris strain...
  21. O

    HELP! Female clownfish is killing male!

    in my 14 gallon bio cube that I have had for over 3 years, with the ocellaris clowns who have lived together for 3 years in peace. However lately they have been severely attacking eachother. The female has bitten off almost all of the males back take and a lot of his fins. It is really bad and...
  22. SimplyVibing

    Clownfish breeders: is the longfin trait recessive or dominant?

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon species tank for ocellaris clownfish. Currently I am looking into getting a longfin mocha, I just love the way they look. My other clown is a 2 year old mocha female. In the future I would love to breed them. Is the gene that causes long fins dominant or recessive? What...
  23. Danh Ngo

    Where to get clownfish mated pair??

    I have my system set up, and ready for 4 pairs, but my question is Where did you find your mated pair? Were they mature enough for breeding when you bought it? ......... In case I want to buy 2 clownfish, and force them into pair How long does it take? What size should I get? Can you share...
  24. SaltySteve

    Clownfish breeding attempt.

    Hi all, Wanted to share my progress on rearing ocellaris fry. Last night was a partial hatch and I was able to catch 32 fry with a vossen trap, while chasing away a banggai cardinal with a pipet all night lol. It's the morning after and have fed the fry rotifers (have been culturing in a...
  25. LatinKing

    Question: Siphon or move pot to a fry tank???

    Question for experience clownfish breeder. Wondering what percentage will siphon the larvae after hatching in the same tank or do you take out the pot and move to a fry tank to hatch? Which is your preference and why? For those that siphon, please explain procedure and what materials is used.