
  1. J

    Clownfish Scratching Question...

    Hello! I recently had an ich outbreak in my DT. When that happened, I setup a QT tank, and treated the fish in Copper Power for 30 days (2.0 - 2.5 concentration), and PraziPro for 10 days. Then, while my DT tank continues to be fallow, I put the clownfish into a sterile larger tank with PVC...
  2. Noob_Sam

    QT Invertebrates and green mandarine

    Hello, So I wanted to get a couple more snails and crabs for my reef tank but I don't want the risk of them bringing parasites into my tank. I know ich and velvet cant live on them but I heard that it can live for some time on their shells? Is this true? and I wanted to know how do I QT them...
  3. Diveks

    Should i wait for copper? And how to treat fins

    So I've just gotten 4 fish, 2 clownfish, a hippo tang, and a flasher wrasse. The hippo and flasher are in the same tank. The flasher helps the hippo feel more comfortable to feed and when its out the hippo is out. They are in a quarantine tank. They have been eating really well (day 3 now) and...
  4. Reef Kinetics

    Copper in aquariums

    Different parasites infect both freshwater and marine aquarium tanks, and many of these cause mass mortality among aquarium fish and invertebrates. Copper has been used effectively to treat algae and parasites infection. It works by entering into the parasitic cells, damaging their cell...
  5. Mrsjesrobertson

    Help please- tang on bottom of tank after ich/copper

    I’m gonna try and make this short, but it’s been a long journey. Mae started our 75gal in June, it was cycled and started slowly adding fish in July. In September we noticed several of our fish had white spots which we believe to be ICH and our LFS (where we purchased all fish) gave us some...
  6. Noob_Sam

    Buying New fish. Trying to prevent another velvet outbreak.

    Hello, So 4 months ago I had a bad marine velvet outbreak which I lost 70% of my fish. The remaining that survived I treated them witch copper for 30 days and left my DT fishless for 80 days. So now I am buying new fish every two weeks. I already bought a coral beauty, pair of clowns and some...
  7. Lennon's Reef

    Is this ich?

    I recently noticed little white spots on my four red spot glass cardinals (Apogon parvulus). I treated for internal parasites (more on that later) and when that didn’t work I assumed it might be ich and moved all of my fish (the 4 cardinals, a Helfrich’s firefish, and a pink streaked wrasse) to...
  8. QuarantinedCorals

    Fish showing signs of flukes while in copper!

    Hi guys I need help! I have 6 fish in a 40cub qt, tested for ammonia yesterday and it’s at .25. I got a 180 and am fallowing the tank currently and I’m a bit crammed for space so I had to qt inhabitants together it will soon take 2 of the fish out of the 40 and put them in a 75 for the remainder...
  9. QuarantinedCorals

    Is 2.25 ppm copper power too much?

    Hi guys, I got a 40gallon qt that’s measuring at 2.25ppm copper (dosed copper power and checked with Hanna). I just started the 30 day countdown yesterday as I plan on keeping them in copper for at least 30 days to kill off the ich. Is 2.25 too much? Should I be worried about keeping them in...
  10. QuarantinedCorals

    Transitioning into Ich prevention from ich management

    Hello everyone, I really need your help. I started a 55 gallon reef 2 years ago, never quarantined anything and practiced ich management and a lot of "dump any pray", fast forwarding a year and a half i upgraded to a 75 gallon reef, couple months later I got a 180 which is my current tank. Im...
  11. Nicksfish

    Worms that survived copper and prazi?

    Hi everyone, I’m having trouble with a fluke like worm that has survived 30 days of cupramine at 0.5 as well as 3 weeks of prazi at double the dose every 4 days, as the first go round didn’t eliminate them. I removed all medicine 3 days ago and saw them flashing again today. Did a freshwater...
  12. TexasReefer82

    High copper in RODI water

    Looking for some advice here... Last week I sent in an ATI ICP test for both my tank water as well as my RODI. The results unexpectedly came back with 36ppb copper in the RODI water (as well as 4ppb tin). Where could this copper have come from? I don't have copper plumbing in my home, and...
  13. new2reefing123

    Microbacter7 question

    Hi everyone. Can you or have you all ever dosed microbacter7 in your hospital tank while using either cupramine or copper power? Are there any benefits, any problems. I would like to increase bio diversity within the QT but don’t know if the combination of MB7 and cupramine is a bad idea or...
  14. new2reefing123

    Copper level

    Copper level. What do you all think?.... I think .5......(hard to read, still waiting on hanna copper tester to arrive) Seachem cupramine. Salifert copper test. Thanks everyone.
  15. Diveks

    EMERGENCY Fish pale from stopping copper or antibiotics?

    So my little guy here is a foxface and i was doing normal quarantine procedure (was in the middle of copper treatment) when his fin rot started getting worse. He had fin rot when he arrived. So i stopped the copper and started furan2. Hes still eating a lot but now he turned so pale. He looked...
  16. Diveks

    Fin rot while treating with cupramine

    so its been day 6, raising the copper and i saw that his fin rot is getting worse. Its a tiny foxface. When i first got him he had some fin rot. I thought that it would heal up as my water quality was good. Im not sure if this is an emergency yet, his fins are going fast though. Hes been going...
  17. Sleeping Giant

    Sailfin tang in quarantine

    Hi, I've had a sailfin tang in quarantine for the since May 12, 2 weeks observation, then ICH showed up, dosed with cupermine as directed. My tang has shown no spots since June 22. My question is when or how do I know if it's ready to be brought over to my display tank, after 2 drip acclimations?
  18. Baldoboy1

    Dangers of permanent cupramine in FOWLR DT

    Hey guys. So I have a 230 gallon FOWLR system and I’ve been thinking about dosing it with cupramine. Is there any reason not to use cupramine in the display tank if I never plan on putting in corals or invertebrates. Any risk of long term exposure to it for fish? Up until now I had a small QT...
  19. Underwater Passion

    Treating with copper

    Hey everyone, so I have done extensive research on ich and velvet. I made the mistake of not QTing a Powder Blue Tang (yes, I learned my lesson) and him and my hippo tang got ick. Long story short i set up two hospital tanks to treat all fish: 1. 55 gallon I’m using cupramine 2. A 29 gallon I’m...
  20. B Lo

    Standard treatment for ich

    So I have a filefish with two little white dots on a fin. They've been there a while and haven't changed. I don't know that it's ich. Long story short, I posted about the issue on this forum and I decided to take every fish out of my display system and put them in quarantine. I have two...
  21. QuarantinedCorals

    Can I reuse Biological media that has been used in a QT tank with copper power?

    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well! I recently treated a couple fish with copper power in my quarantine tank, however, the quarantine tank used to be my main display so I left half of my biological media in that quarantine tank and added copper power to the system (copper levels register at...
  22. Jennydinh143

    QT tank

    Hi! Im new to saltwater fish keeping. My 2 clownfish have ich so im thinking about setting up a 5.5 gallon QT and dosing it with Cooper. Im just wondering what kind of cheap filter and filter media i would need for it. I heard that carbon is not a good idea while using Cooper, but most cheaper...
  23. 2

    Copper Resistant Velvet??

    Hello Everyone! I wish I had a more exciting discussion topic for my first post on R2R but we deal with the hand we are dealt. I recently decided to get back into the hobby after being out of it for almost 10 years (tragic story there). Either way, I decided I wanted to do it 100% the right way...
  24. Andrew Schubert

    Copper....filtration method in QT?

    So I'm setting up a couple of QT tanks as it appears some of my fish have started getting ICK (figures seeing I just took my UV Sterilizer off line last month). Anyways, I was planning on taking a rock or 2 out of my sump to help seed the QT tanks. However, I seem to remember reading before that...