critter id

  1. C

    Should I be worried

    I have had the first fish I put in the tank die after 2 weeks. I had quite a few temp. swings which I hope was the cause but I am seeing several of these in my tank.
  2. D

    Hydroid? Coral? Hitchhiker on Maxima Clam

    Doesn't quite match anything I have seen in the ID thread. Tips are purple-ish changing to a lime green in the center. Agitated my clam on purpose to enable identification.
  3. samba_dad

    Montipora Eating Critter?

    I have had a montipora cap and montipora seasons greetings (undata?) recently die very suddenly when they were thriving previously and growing to new rock. I have acropora right next to the montipora that continue to thrive. I remember reading something about montipora eating nudibranchs...
  4. serenade

    Help! Do I try and kill it again or let it live?

    This came attached to a new chalice frag. I had guessed because of the tube I needed to dip more than once so closely supervised them being dipped. But after several days I haven't seen anything until tonight. So what is it? Do I need to try and manually remove it or re dip? Or can I leave it...